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About this mod

Darkside Redux is the remake version of Darkside mod from absolute scratch.
This will be a large overhaul of the game in the long run. This mod modifies so
many files that is very likely will conflict with other mods. It is HIGHLY advised to use
this mod by just itself and the mod integration to avoid crashes, bugs, glitches, etc etc

Permissions and credits
Requires Update 31 Build 481064 of the game. And Mod Integrator to integrate the facilities.
[Integration needed for Safehouse and Nursery Outposts to be upgradeable]

This mod is updated regularly mostly after a day or within 2 weeks at most.
Check the page occasionally for updates

To avoid flooding the mod description. All information about the mod is now located in the Docs Tab including the changelogs.
Please refer to the Documentation if you wish to see the effects of the mod.

I will be posting here a quick view of the changes. For specifics, please check the documentation
* Fixed for Extra Small Backpacks triggering AC
* Fixed NPCs consuming but not consuming a variant of Plague Cure

* Fixed Blood Fumes
* Added Plague Heart Last Gas-p feature
* Fixed Crashing (Hopefully)
* Fixed a bug with Plague Heart Sense
* Adjusted Plague Heart Combat
* Adjusted Spawn Scales
* Added Dark Zone

* Fixed Crashing in Cascade Hills
* Fixed First Bases cannot be claimed due to additional Plague Hearts

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[Donations are appreciated but never required!]

I rarely interact or check the comments on Nexus.
The fastest way to interact with me is to ask for me or ping me over at the SoD2 Modding Discord