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File credits
This mod inspired by Custom Craft Alchemy v2 mod https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/147
Wich was uploaded by user thegrandseraph https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/users/7450425
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The mod adds craftable materials that cant be crafted, only discovered (ores or crystals). This aimed to make somewhat easier a late game experience. To unlock the recipies, you need to explore and progress throughout the game. For those, who dont want to do this, theres Readme_Recepies in mod archive where all new recepies are described.
This mod adds craftables: - All ores (Titanium, Gold, Silver etc.); - All crystals (Quartz, Ruby, etc.); - Ion Cubes; - New items, that needed for craft ores and crystals.
All added recipies aimed to be somewhat like reallife counterparts (like growing crystals in laboratory environment or extraction of metals from alloys). Also, I tried to balance it as much as possible. All recipies based on respawnable items, like Metal Salvage.
Installation: drop the CustomCraft folder in QMods. Path must be Subnautica/QMods/CustomCraft2SML.