About this mod
16 High quality, Subnautica themed depictions of real life historical figures with funny painting names
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
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Here is a video showcase with more details
I tried to re-create famous leaders and as if they were also available in Subnautica lore at one point with the help of AI. They are all named in a funny way as well! :)
When i play i just want to imagine that my protoganist has gone mad and tried to create all the pieces from his memory but he was alone on an ocean world for so long that everything he does is affected by this.
All of the historical figures depicted in this mod are long dead and this mod does not aim to create any political discussions with any parties at all.
Here are some screenshots below from the museum area i created in game with these art pieces.
From left to right:
Galileo Plans Escape From 4546B - Galileo Galilei
The Relative Art - Albert Einstein
Isaac NewBiomeDiscovered - Isaac Newtone
Aquatic Sonnets - Shakespeare
The First Warper - Nikola Tesla
The Last Dive - Socrates
Pacifisty Run Any % - Gandhi
Khan't Touch This - Genghis Khan
The Real Sea Emperor - Mehmed II
Constaninauca - Emperor Justinian
Freer Of Waves - Abraham Lincoln
Water Not Loo - Napoleon
Alexander The Wet - Alexander The Great
Deep Guerilla - Che Guevara
And some surprises that you'll discover after you install the mod :)