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About this mod

Zip of my personal WorkingFiles folder from the awesome CustomCraft2SML by PrimeSonic. Thought I'd share my own personal customisation.

Permissions and credits
Note: CustomCraft2SML is NOT mine. These are just my custom files for it.

Exactly what it says, this is a zip folder of all my custom changes to the files. It does make the game a little harder, be warned, but that's pretty much the point, right?


Added Recipes:
  • Nutrient Block (from example file)
  • Filtered Water (from example file)
  • Precursor Crystal

Custom Sizes:
  • Everything (mostly) changed to 1x1 - I appreciate this makes things easier as far as carrying is concerned, mileage may vary for it - a personal pet peeve of mine in games is lack of inventory/over-encumbrance so I tend to change it like this.

Modified Recipes:
  • Base Pieces: Increased ingredients to make things a little more realistic and harder (Mostly increased Titanium/Lead/Lithium). Have attempted to keep it balanced, adjust to personal taste. Most recipes changed.
  • Interiors/fabricators: Have modified ingredients to be a little more realistic. Most recipes changed.
  • Vehicles: Added more to the recipes to make them harder to obtain and increase time to getting them. This includes the Rocket. I always felt like the rocket was far too quickly built for how complex it is.
  • Hatching Enzyme: Like the rocket, I felt that something so important should not be so easily made from a few arbitrary ingredients. I've tried to pick ingredients that forces exploration, and makes it as complex as it should be without making it ridiculously hard. 
  • Ion Power: Ion-based energy is complex and probably dangerous. Tweaked ingredients to make the battery and power cell a little more...protected.
  • Dive suits: You know the drill by now. As a bonus, making the Reinforced Dive Suit should now unlock and make the Rebreather Mask, if only to shut up the PDA.
  • Tablets: Now require more lead poisoning.
  • Tools: Only the one, and it's from the example file. Batteries are now included.
  • Food and Water: Discovering Cured Reginald and Disinfected Water should in theory unlock the two added from the examples. In theory. I'm not sure if it does as all added recipes are already there at the start of a new game, but I'm not the smartest of people so I'm not going to attempt to pick things apart. They're there and that's all that matters, right? :D

I'm planning on doing more in the future, though the modified recipes suit me just fine for now. I'm still trying to work out the new recipe branches, so look out for future updates :D 

It shouldn't need to be said, but this mod needs CustomCraft2SML. It won't work with the original CustomCraft and it won't work as a standalone. If you haven't got CC2SML, go get that first.



  • If you have no customisation of your own: Unzip into the CustomCraft2SML folder, say yes if asked to overwrite.
  • If you have customised files: Unzip somewhere else that is NOT in your mods folder. Open the files, and remove the TOP LINE ONLY of the folders (the 'ModifiedRecipes/AddedRecipes/CustomSizes' line). No others. After that, move the files into the WorkingFiles folder. I haven't tested this part, but it should work fine alongside any customisations so long as they don't change the same things. 

  • PrimeSonic for taking the time to make such a good mod and letting us customise our games this much
  • My fiancee for listening to me swear and making me tea and putting up with my grouchy ass when something wouldn't work