About this mod
Ever wanted to create a Custom Reactor Rod for your Nuclear Reactor. well customReactorRods let you make them.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
create your own reactor rods with custom powervalues and Textures .
How Do I install This Mod?
1. install Tobey's Bepinex Subnautica Pack
2. install Nautilus
3 download and extract mod to Bepinex\Plugins folder
4.start the game and enjoy.
How Do i Install CustomRods Json files ?
1. download and extract files to CustomReactorRods folder
2. zips should contain a CustomReactorRods\Assets and CustomReactorRods\CustomRods
3. replace any files that ask to be replaced.
4. start the game and if everything is correct in the json file it should load into the game
How Can i Create one ?
using Json files
"RodTechtype":"SuperRod",<---- the techtype <-- newly added you will have to add it to yours to make it work.
"RodName": "Super ReactorRod", <--- name .
"Description": "A custom reactor rod with enhanced power output.", <-- this description
"Icon":"ReactorrodEnhanced", <--- sprite name
"Height":1,<--- Height of your item
"Width":1, <--- Width of your item
"CustomMainTexture": "ReactorRodMain",<--- name of your texture file for Main texture.
"PowerAmount": 30000, <--- power value for your custom reactor rod
"CraftingIngredients": [
"TechType": "Titanium", <--- Ingredient for your item
"Amount": 2 <---- amount needed of this item
"TechType": "Lithium",
"Amount": 1
"FabricatorPath": ["Resources","Electronics"], <--- path your want your items to be added to in craft tree.
"CloneFrom": "ReactorRod" <--- item its cloning from