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Adds a fabricator allowing you to craft 118 new items. Adds another fabricator to craft 56 new seeds. 36 new buildables will be added to your habitat builder menu. Also you will be able to place and build items where you want.
- 111.4MB
- 7.1k
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Adds a fabricator allowing you to craft 118 new items. Adds another fabricator to craft 56 new seeds. 36 new buildables will be added to your habitat builder menu. Also you will be able to place and build items where you want.
Re-adds terraforming functionality to the game.
Shows data bank readouts in your picture frames.
InternetsLIVE H2.0 Vibrant Shader DX11
This is a custom sweetFX shader installer for Subnautica Press F10 in game to toggle on/off Deprecated version can still be downloaded
- 1.2MB
- 971
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InternetsLIVE H2.0 Vibrant Shader DX11
This is a custom sweetFX shader installer for Subnautica Press F10 in game to toggle on/off Deprecated version can still be downloaded
Aeonic 2023 - Real-Gen Photorealism (UPDATED)
Real-Gen: Subnautica's #1 preset.
InternetsLIVE Hard Mode Vibrant Shader
This is a new version of the Vibrant Shader that is considered Hard Mode. Night times are darker, so pull out the flashlights. Press F10 in game to toggle on/off
- 1.7MB
- 225
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InternetsLIVE Hard Mode Vibrant Shader
This is a new version of the Vibrant Shader that is considered Hard Mode. Night times are darker, so pull out the flashlights. Press F10 in game to toggle on/off
New terrain and additional reaper spawns for the cragfield biome!
Perlin Void adds a new "biome" to the game. It uses Perlin noise to generate new terrain at the bottom of the void.
- 882KB
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Perlin Void adds a new "biome" to the game. It uses Perlin noise to generate new terrain at the bottom of the void.
NOT A MOD; This is a WIP tool for editing Subnautica's voxel terrain.
This is my beloved prawn suit physics playgroundHere, you can learn how to travel TEN times as fast as seamoth and just laugh at cyclops. Put considerable effort into the design to allow a beginner to use it and gradually progress to mastery. Hop in, screw around, watch videos to see what can be done :P
- 23.4MB
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This is my beloved prawn suit physics playgroundHere, you can learn how to travel TEN times as fast as seamoth and just laugh at cyclops. Put considerable effort into the design to allow a beginner to use it and gradually progress to mastery. Hop in, screw around, watch videos to see what can be done :P
InternetsLIVE Blood Ocean Shader
This is a funny shader of a bloody ocean. Press F10 in game to toggle on/off
- 1.7MB
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InternetsLIVE Blood Ocean Shader
This is a funny shader of a bloody ocean. Press F10 in game to toggle on/off
Adds a secret cave which is great for building bases, adds new mountain peaks, minor fixes, and more!
- 1.5MB
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Adds a secret cave which is great for building bases, adds new mountain peaks, minor fixes, and more!
it's a shader it makes Subnautica a lot darker
aurora survivors. a dlc like save game (REMADE VERSION IN PROGRESS)(Discontinued)
a dlc like save file that adds many new islands and caves. currently just released an early version, I will see if I can update it alot to add more caves and possibly more islands
- 14.3MB
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aurora survivors. a dlc like save game (REMADE VERSION IN PROGRESS)(Discontinued)
a dlc like save file that adds many new islands and caves. currently just released an early version, I will see if I can update it alot to add more caves and possibly more islands
Changes a small area of BulbZone and adds a new mini-biome nearby
Adds a secret area, adds a massive bridge and lava lake and adjustments to open areas.Mgs KooKoo#92928 if you have any questionsHope you enjoy!
- 1.1MB
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Adds a secret area, adds a massive bridge and lava lake and adjustments to open areas.Mgs KooKoo#92928 if you have any questionsHope you enjoy!
This Mod Will Add A lot Structures.