About this mod
Converts the Trashcan button in inventory window into a quick sell button. Sell anything straight from your inventory for full price (gold/orbs/tickets)! Sell price multiplier is adjustable up/down in the config options. Also adds a Recycle button for breaking down a crafted item into original ingredients.
- Permissions and credits
Please join me on Discord if you have mod issues or ideas:
devopsdinosaur's Discord Server
If you don't use Discord please PM or email. If you have mod issues then you
can submit them directly through GitHub here:
devopsdinosaur/sunhaven-mods bugs/ideas
I cannot guarantee I will see Posts/Bugs on all of my mods, so Discord/GitHub
are much better ways to reach me.
Public Service Announcement:
It's been hard to find the time to create new mods and support the ones I've made. If you like my mods, please consider a small tip (any amount) on Ko-fi to help me convince my wife that this modding stuff is worth my time =) Just scan the QR code below with your phone or click it to get started. Thanks a ton!

v0.0.4 - Updated to work with game version 1.4.
v0.0.3 - Added a recycle button to the inventory for breaking down crafted items into original ingredients.
v0.0.2 - Added a config option to set the Sale Cash Multiplier, adjusting the value of items trashed up or down as desired. (Thanks to YutyrannusFluff for the idea for this one)
Converts the Trashcan button in inventory window into a quick sell button. Sell anything straight from your inventory for full price (gold/orbs/tickets)! Just drag and drop items like you did before, but now you get what you deserve.
Config Options:
In-game Controls
None that I'm aware of; let me know if so. I have not tested anything in multiplayer.
1. Install BepInEx
2. Download and extract this mod.
3. Copy the extracted file(s) to your <sunhaven-install>/BepInEx/plugins directory.
4. Run the game. Enjoy!
Source Code and Issues:
All my Sun Haven mods are on GitHub here: https://github.com/devopsdinosaur/sunhaven-mods I try to keep them as specific and simple as possible. Any issues or requests, just PM me here, on github, or email devopsdinosaur __a_t__ gmail.com.