About this mod
Do you miss the meteors in Stardew Valley? Well now rocks and ore nodes of all types fall from the sky overnight. Meteor spawn chance is configurable (defaults to very rare)--set to a high number and you'll never need to visit the mines again!
- Permissions and credits
Please join me (and all the modders) on Discord if you have mod issues or ideas:
Official Sun Haven Discord Server
Click on the "game-mods" channel and post your ideas/issues there. Even if
I'm not around, the modder community is growing rapidly and can likely
answer your question. If it's something I need to fix then use the
@devopsdinosaur in your message, and I will see it when I get back.
Public Service Announcement:
It's been hard to find the time to create new mods and support the ones I've made. If you like my mods, please consider a small tip (any amount) on Ko-fi to help me convince my wife that this modding stuff is worth my time =) Just scan the QR code below with your phone or click it to get started. Thanks a ton!

v0.0.2 - Updated to work with game v1.5
This one is definitely cheaty, but it's lots of fun! With a wink and a nod to Stardew Valley's random meteor showers, rocks and ore nodes of all types fall from the sky overnight. Meteor spawn chance is configurable (defaults to very rare)--set to a high number and you'll never need to visit the mines again!
Disclaimer: I generally test these mods as much as I can before releasing, but I won't always catch all the problems.
Please let me know if you hit issues, notice something just isn't
working as expected, or just think something could be improved. See my
contact info below. Thanks for the help!
Config Options:
- Enabled - Set to false to disable this mod.
- Meteor Spawn Chance - Float value between 0 (no chance) and infinity (higher == higher chance) of tree respawn in random tiles (this value is used as a multiplier with a perlin noise map for random node placement, default is game default for tree spawn == 0.0044f).
In-game Controls
None that I'm aware of; let me know if so. I have not tested anything in multiplayer.
1. Install BepInEx
2. Download and extract this mod.
3. Copy the extracted file(s) to your <sunhaven-install>/BepInEx/plugins directory.
4. Run the game. Enjoy!
Source Code and Issues:
All my Sun Haven mods are on GitHub here: https://github.com/devopsdinosaur/sunhaven-mods I try to keep them as specific and simple as possible. Any issues or
requests, catch me on the official Sun Haven Discord server in the "game-mods" channel (see link above).