About this mod
Is Cyberspace too slow or hard for you? Various tweaks to some aspects of Cyberspace, including pulser damage and speed, and instant enemy spawns.
- Permissions and credits
You can buff your Pulser's damage and speed, speed up the ICE drill, and even make cyber enemies spawn in nearly instantly.
Each file is detailed below.
Cyberspace_1.2_ICE_FasterProjectile_P - Speeds up the ICE projectile, but this also means it can be a bit easier to miss since it has less time to follow its target.
Modifies: Blueprints/Cyberspace/Assets/Projectiles/PROJECTILE_IceDrill
Cyberspace_1.2_ICE_QuickerLockOn-LongerLockRange_P- Halves the time required for ICE lock-ons (0.50 -> 0.25 seconds) and slightly increases the maximum lock-on range and lock-on angle.
Modifies: Blueprints/Inventory/Items/Software/ITEM_IceDrill_Base
Cyberspace_1.2_NearInstantEnemySpawns_P - Reduces the initial delay of ambush spawns and drastically speeds up the spawning animation for all cyber enemies, making it nearly instant.
Modifies: Cyberspace/Tiles/CYBR_Respawner
Cyberspace_1.2_Pulser_Damage-??Rate-?Dmg-??DPS_P - Only pick one. Increases the fire rate and damage of the Pulser. The filename indicates the fire rate (Rate), damage (Dmg), and the calculated damage per second (DPS). The default fire rate is 8, and default damage is 5.
Modifies: Blueprints/Inventory/Items/Software/ITEM_Pulser_Base
Cyberspace_1.2_Player_SlightlyFasterSpeed_????HP_P and Cyberspace_1.2_Player_NormalSpeed_????HP_P - Only pick one. Slightly increases the player's base speed in Cyberspace and/or optionally increases the player's max health. Default HP is 100.
Modifies: Blueprints/Characters/CyberCharacters/PAWN_Avatar
Cyberspace_1.2_Pulser_FasterProjectile_P and Cyberspace_1.2_Pulser_SlightlyFasterProjectile_P - Only pick one. These increase the speed of the pulser projectile. The Faster variant is indeed very fast, so the SlightlyFaster variant is for those who don't want it too fast.
Modifies: Blueprints/Cyberspace/Assets/Projectiles/PROJECTILE_AvatarPulse
(SPOILERS) The following files can be found in the "Pseudospace" folder, and they only apply to a certain section of the game.
While this changes the Pulser Rifle a bit, the other two are unchanged for now since they don't feel that bad.
Cyberspace_1.2_End_PulserRifle_FasterAndMoreDmg_P - Increases the fire rate and damage of the Pulser Rifle to 8.25rps and 12 damage, slightly higher than the original 5.5rps and 10 damage.
Modifies: Blueprints/Inventory/Items/Weapons/WeaponTables/DT_PseudoPulser
Cyberspace_1.2_End_FasterPulserRifleProjectiles_P - Increases projectile speed of the Pulser Rifle.
Modifies: Blueprints/Projectiles/PseudoPulserProjectile
Cyberspace_1.2_End_?xHealth_P - Only pick one. Increases the player's health as indicated by the filename. The default player health is 100, so 2x, 4x, and 15x will be 200, 400, and 1500 respectively.
Modifies: Blueprints/Characters/Hacker/PAWN_Hacker_Pseudospace
If you'd like to make any suggestions for more mods, please do so!
Unzip this and place the .pak files that you would like to use in the folder where System Shock's main .pak file resides:
<installation directory>\System Shock Remake\SystemShock\Content\Paks