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Law with Xiao's(Genshin Impact) color scheme. Face, hair, and eyes touched up to look similar to Xiao as well. Wolf shoulder recolored to black with the "glow" eyes. I haven't learned how to make it actually glow ala Shionne's feathers, but if I ever do I'll update it along with the black/gold color scheme.
Full disclosure: I never played Genshin Impact, only know if it.
The designs on the robe were loosely drawn without too much consideration for 100% accuracy as Law doesn't have Xiao's exact costume. Took some small liberties with his back design to make it look more fitting for the one robe flap, as opposed to the 2 flaps Xiao has. I'm sure those who have played Genshin Impact will notice more design inconsistencies, but it is what it is.
Also Law and Xiao have the same Japanese Voice actor.
Extract and Install to: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Tales of Arise\Arise\Content\Paks