Upcoming maintenance: 10 July 2024

  • Comment
On 10 July 2024 (tomorrow!) we will be performing scheduled maintenance which will mean the website and API will be unavailable for up to 4 hours. This is part of our preparations for enabling the searching of mod comments. The maintenance will start at 0900 (GMT+1), you can convert this to your local timezone here

What is happening?

We're preparing the site for the long-awaited mod comment search feature, which we know has been sorely missed since we upgraded the forums. We originally planned to move the entire mod page across to the new website, but that will take a bit longer than expected, so we've pivoted to adding comment searching to the "old" website for now. We attempted to make the required changes without turning off the website last week, which unfortunately led to an unexpected outage, so it will require some downtime to do this properly. 

The website will be unavailable for up to 4 hours, but if everything goes as planned, it should be significantly quicker. 

Which services will be affected?

We will need to turn off the main website, API and Nexus Mods Next during the maintenance phase. This means that you will be unable to browse mods and collections or use the API in Vortex (or third-party mod managers) to download files. Any other tool interfacing with our site/API will likely not work either while we're offline.

You may be able to browse the forums and feedback board during the downtime but you will not be able to log in if you haven't already authenticated. 

No mods? What will I do?

Just because our site will be offline doesn't mean our community will be, too. The Community Management Team as well as your fellow modders will be available on our Discord server - come say hello when you get a chance!

Keep your eyes peeled and check our status page for updates on the migration process to learn more about when we'll be back online.


Comments locked

A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time being
  1. Happybara
    • Community Manager
    • 75 kudos
    Great news! The mod comment search has been deployed and should now be working. Let us know on Discord or our feedback board if you have any issues.
  2. janusd77
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    FINAL UPDATE: Well, I'm happy to report I figured out a solution. Got so involved with the site I forgot the most important thing I should have tried first. I had done some initial testing on this, but should have just done it anyway and not trusted the results. I re-installed Vortex and... yeah... problem solved. Please disregard the info below as it was likely an issue with Vortex losing it's association with the API (or something to that effect). 

    Love the new changes and looking forward to further enjoying what you guys provide for us!

    UPDATE: So, I found a band-aid that might be a lead into the issue. The download refused to work/start if I clicked the Vortex mod download button. The strange part was that, after it failed, I would click the "click here" to start a manual download and... nothing would happen.

    On a hunch, and classic troubleshooting test, I went back to the mod's description page and noticed the 2 download buttons (Vortex and Manual) on the mod title banner. I clicked on the Manual button there and it worked! It's a manual download, but I can at least get my mods and verify that I can download things from Nexus just fine. Maybe the API system still has a few kinks from the maintenance. In any case, I can download again. Please let me know if you need further info from me and/or if you discover anything on your end.

    Original message:
    I think I need to open a ticket with support. Download links are not working for me since a couple of days ago. Nothing's changed on my end, but I still went through the usual steps: incognito, disabling extensions, different browsers, clearing cache, disabling antivirus, firewall exceptions, you name it... nothing.

    Checking the java console, I get something like this:

    [Report Only] Refused to create a worker from 'blob:https://www.nexusmods.com/c95a5d59-af86-44a8-b0e6-96bf92b98b82' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "worker-src 'none'".

    2564:1  [Report Only] Refused to create a worker from 'blob:https://www.nexusmods.com/c95a5d59-af86-44a8-b0e6-96bf92b98b82' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "worker-src 'none'".

    Error handling response: Error: runtime/sendMessage: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
    at chrome-extension://gehmmocbbkpblljhkekmfhjpfbkclbph/content/contentScripts/kwift.CHROME.js:1:336018
    ixmatch.html:1  Error handling response: Error: runtime/sendMessage: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
    at chrome-extension://gehmmocbbkpblljhkekmfhjpfbkclbph/content/contentScripts/kwift.CHROME.js:1:336018

    This is the same in any browser. Side effect of the site upgrade? Anything else you suggest we do on our end? I've seen others reporting the same issue and, as it stands, I've ruled out things on my end. VPN is the only thing I haven't tried because everything worked fine as of the weekend and I've never had to use one. I'm in the US, BTW. Can't think of anything else it could be, but I'll be taking a look at my router as well just in case.
  3. LisbethSAO
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Woo, hella nice, that Search feature! THANK YOU for all your hard work, Nexus Team!  \o/
  4. Sonja
    • member
    • 184 kudos
    I've just been testing out the shiny new Comments Search feature and it's awesome! It's also, of course, far better than the jumbled mess of results that occurred with the old forums-based Search system. So thank you. Seriously!

    Just one suggestion, if it's even possible.... Would you consider highlighting/changing the text colour of whatever search term is used, so that it can be immediately spotted in the results? Not a big deal, I can always use Ctrl F, if need be.. I'm just grateful to be able to easily search Comments again; I'm only throwing it out there in case you're looking for suggestions.

    I noticed search terms are now highlighted.
  5. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 718 kudos
    The maintenance is complete. The search is still being tested out but should be available soon.
  6. Zanderat
    • premium
    • 227 kudos
    Site is back up.  But I don't see the search feature?
    1. Ka1jinnn
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      "Mod comment search is still being smoke tested internally so will not be enabled right away. " 

      from Nexus Discord
    2. archerarcher
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
    3. Zanderat
      • premium
      • 227 kudos
      Thanks.  Didn't think to check Discord.
    4. S1nonim
      • supporter
      • 61 kudos
      now it works
  7. KamalaHarris
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank goodness I won't have to CTRL+F my way through all the pages of comments to find out if a question has already been asked. Thank you so much for this feature!
    1. zinghunt
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      you "won't have to CTRL+F"  ANYMORE, it's just back where it belongs. This was essential to mod authors' sanity. Amen !
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    May I suggest the ability to filter/search your tracked mods? I’m tracking hundreds and I have to scroll to pages to find what I’m looking for.

    Aditionally, if we could get a separate tracking list would be great. As it is right now, mods you want to track and mods you want to save to download later are all under the same list. It’d be great we could create playlists for mods. 

    for example:

    Adding mods to your tracked list
    Adding mods to your save for later list
    Adding mods to “LoreRim modlist” list
    Adding mods to “Favorite character presets” list
    Adding mods to “Fav mountain textures”
    etc etc etc
    1. GAKv1
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
  9. madophine
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    4hours? where do I go to scratch my itch for 4 hours....
  10. KriticalGuy
    • member
    • 71 kudos
    what do you guys mean by "new" and "old" website? is the new one accessible now?
    1. Iluviel
      • Product Manager
      • 14 kudos
      The "old" website is https://www.nexusmods.com/, it's where most of our pages and features are and is built on our legacy codebase. It is built on unsupported frameworks, like a custom-flavour of PHP, which makes it very difficult to change.

      The "new" website is https://next.nexusmods.com/, it's where we are building all new features (like Collections) and where all "old" pages will eventually move to. It is built on a newer codebase that uses better supported frameworks for both the backend and frontend.
  11. Sandmanajaxiievu
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Now, I don't gotta look at each page one by one to find one word.