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Swaps in hidden/inaccessible heads and facial features to the character creator

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UPDATE 4/3 - All appear to work with Spacer's Choice Edition.

New - a slug/parasite in place of a beard!
New heads for your captain. Not new meshes, just mesh swaps from other characters' heads. These replace available heads for the player. It will change any captain's head if you load that save with the mod in your folder. Same for hairstyle. Take the mod out of the folder and the head/hair will go back to original.

  • Vicar Max - This includes his head appearance and his unique hair. There is a hairstyle normally available that is almost identical to Max's unique hair but on his head it leaves gaps. So I swapped it as well. Only the male heads and hairs are swapped. Use head number 15, hair number 24, skintone number 15 to get pretty close to his canon look.
  • Parvati -  This includes her head and her hair (with goggles). Only female head and hair are swapped. Use head number 7, hair number 15, skintone number 16 to get close to her look. Hair color I think is number 43 and eye color I think is 9 but those aren't listed in Parvati's file so I'm guessing. Those are what look closest to me. Edit: not sure about the hair color, I keep looking at the screenshots and it doesn't look exact lol. Might be 44 instead of 43. Try it and see what you prefer.
  • Nyoka - This has just her head since her hair is available normally. Only female head. Use head number 1, hair style number 11, skintone number 18. Eye color and hair color I guessed on but in my screenshots I chose hair color number 34 and eye color number 8.
  • Felix - This has just his head since his hair is available normally. Only male head. Use head number 2, hair style number 17, hair color number 31, skintone number 14. My guess for eye color was 9.
  • Ellie - This has just her head since her hair is available normally. Only female head. Use head number 3, skintone number 8, hair style number 6. I guessed on her eye color and hair color. Eye color 6 looks right but hair color 49 looks too blonde. Not sure which one is truly hers but I'd try one a little darker than number 49.
  • Adjutant Sophia Akande - Just her head, only female head. Use head number 5, hair number 9. Skintone, eye color, and hair color are a guess.
  • Chairman Rockwell - Just his head, only male head. Use head number 8, hair number 21. Skintone, eye color, and hair color are a guess.
  • Phineas Welles - Male head number 4
  • Base female head - Female head number 12. Unlike the others, this head allows eyebrow style and color, skintone, makeup, dirt, and scars.
  • Minster Clarke - Male head number 11. His also allows eyebrow style and color, skintone, makeup, dirt, and scars. Doesn't look exactly like his in-game appearance because he has a slider preset applied to him.
  • Chicken - Male and female head number 1. Just a chicken. First person arms are normal human arms sorry. Chicken visible in ui and idle camera.

Facial Hair
  • Slug/parasite - Male and female beard number 4. Slight gap on the female.

  • Three nonselectable dirts - Hiram, Catherine, and Zora Scar. Replaces dirt 2, 3, and 4 respectively

Note 1 - Hair styles, hair color, eye color, facial sliders, facial hair, facial hair color, and age work. Eyebrow style, eyebrow color, makeup, dirt, and scars do not work. Skintone works on his body, not his face. I don't know how to fix the ones that don't yet, if I do I'll update.
Note 2 - You can use other hairstyles with these heads but some styles will have clipping.
Note 3 - There's not that many unique nonselectable heads, most characters use a head that is already available in the character creator. Here are the heads I have yet to add to this mod (I will put them eventually)
  • Vicar Max dream and Vicar Max's mom - these are actually meshes already available, they just have the dream materials

Unzip and put the pak file in your Paks folder - The Outer Worlds\Indiana\Content\Paks

Made using AssetEditor by KaiHeilos
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