About this mod
A collection custom meme paintings dedicated to the rarest of Astolfo Bean Plushies and variants. All custom designed from the ground up. If it's screwy, that's because I have no idea what I'm doing :D
- Permissions and credits
Chances are, this is your first download... and if not: Thank you all the more. It is by your degeneracy (I mean, good taste...) that I have been inspired to make, and I count... Too, Effing, many of these damned things.
So, straight to business.
As it turns out S4S can compile multiple loose packages into 1, convenient, packed load to flog your enemies with instead of twenty, WHO KNEW!?! I didn’t. Anyway, they’re all compacted now. I have no idea if there is a compatibility or duplicate issue if you were to haphazardly chuck this in with the original 5 some .package files that are dangling about all willy-nilly in your mods folder, I’m not testing every bug myseld... But I cleaned things up for you; you’re welcome. This goes even for the one rando reading this, despite not actually updating their mod. I know, simple moral contribution to society, making everyone's life easier (sarcasm) –Look, I have no idea what I’m doing. I make daft images to laugh at, I’m not an MIT graduate, I’m not that smart. It takes a few slips by the pool side to realize it’s wet, it’s how I roll. Like... Physically, with much pain and many bruises.
Simply remove the “Astolfo Bean Plushie Paintings (1-whatever).package” and replace it with the master package uwu.package and get on with your day.
Thank you again. I’m glad I could make at least one person smile.
...And yes, I'm probably making more.