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About this mod

Are you tired of your droids getting lobotomized the moment you leave Batuu? Well, no more! This mod unlocks all droid interactions and abilities that are normally region-locked to Batuu, as well as adds functions you'd normally expect in regular worlds.

Permissions and credits
This mod removes the region test from the actions and interactions that are normally Batuu-specific, as well as modernizes some of the droid coding to support new music channels and expected interactions such as dancing to music and ghost possession.

Supported Mod Functions:

  • Batuu-specific interactions including the droid following behind a sim, shocking sims and knocking them out, and distracting sims now work in all worlds, including active career lots
  • You can now pickpocket a distracted sim outside of Batuu, and steal a varying amount of simoleons. Pickpocketing a distracted sim when visiting Batuu now rewards a varying amount of Galactic Credits instead of a flat 100. The amount ranges from 50 to 327, in line with what you can earn from pickpocketing with the Sleight of Hand aspiration reward trait.
  • You can now upgrade your droid when outside of Batuu, provided you have the right materials in your inventory
  • Droids can now play all radio channels currently in the game when outside of Batuu
  • Sims can now dance to droid music just like a regular radio
  • Droids can now be possessed by sim ghosts, ghost pets, and ghost horses
  • Repairing a droid takes handiness likes/dislikes into account, and scientists with the expert repair career reward can fix a droid in less time
  • Droids and servos can have bot-specific conversations - now your robots can plot world-domination together! This brings the pack in line with what's included in Discover University, with the standard servo/bot conversations included in that pack now available.

Known Issues
  • The "distract here" option is bugged and does not time out as intended. This is a bug with the pack itself and beyond my ability to fix. If you'd like this to be fixed, please go to the EA bug report forums and hit "me too." You can work around this issue by going into CAS through likes/dislikes, or by changing worlds. Other actions such as resetting the droid, or bringing it into and out of your inventory, don't work.
  • You might notice that, off of Batuu, you're not able to click on the ground and choose for your droid to "wait here." That is intentional. There is another bug with that command, also an EA bug that I'm not able to fix. "Wait here" when clicking on the droid is fully supported.
Future Updates
  • Several of the animations are glitchy, namely the servo/droid conversations, which I'd like to fix at a later date
  • I'd like to scale droid repair time off of handiness, so that handy sims can repair droids faster
  • I'd like to add reward tables for objects when pickpocketing distracted sims both on and off Batuu
  • And some other ideas as well!