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To me this was always the 'classic' Lara, not the CGI Lara...
I hope there will be a mod which is closer to the original.


  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 357 kudos
    Hey bud, good to hear from you.  I completely agree that this classic look is more iconic than any other.
    1. Wast1980
      • premium
      • 265 kudos
      Hello! Haven't used/searched for mods for quite a time (still have my lifetime Premium Membership, it's great they haven't changed that), or even played games on PC, and being 'creative' myself became too time consuming.

      It's interesting how perceptions differ, but when I think about it, in the nineties Lara Crofts CGImages where all around the globe, only a minority had access to this new big thing 'Internet', the concept art/vision of the creator wasn't as well known as the CGI advertisement.