Good Old World

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  1. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    The voice acting is so good, especially the Skaven. At first, they were the only really interesting faction but with the mortal empires campaign continuing to update and improve the others the game has become so good. Three Kingdoms is another exceptional effort.
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 592 kudos
      For real, CA's quality of presentation is top-notch all around. I very much appreciate their ongoing support of these games, much of it for free no less!
  2. SyddSpartan
    • supporter
    • 122 kudos
    I didn't know much, if at all about the WH universe until CA came into play, don't know if you're enjoying playing this series or if its your thing, even.. But I most certainly had a blast playing them. Especially the Vampires and the Dark Elves (the latter being my fav)
    Strange, had no idea we had letterbox for WH2... Or any of the TW games for that matter, love the filters you've used. Your work has always been amazing on the TES side, its no surprise to see you carry over your magic onto other games such as this one...
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 592 kudos
      Thanks muchly! I've been real impressed with how CA has handled the Warhammer creative scene. Great way to keep the story alive, and the game's pretty fun too. Really scratches that itch for a Risk-style strategic board game, peppered with the odd tactical/mindless cinematic smash-em-up.

      ReShade goes a long way...
  3. User_133491
    • account closed
    • 56 kudos
    Amazing shots mate ! Glad to see another retired player of the table-top Warhammer game ! I played it so long when i was young
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 592 kudos
      Thanks DJ- here's to good times with dice and wee monsters!