Skyrim: Legendary Edition

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In a tweet, Pete Hines had this to say about the cover of the "Legendary Edition":
that is hideous

Take from that what you will, but that cover is most definitely not legit.


Eurogamer is reporting that a Polish retailer, Ultima, has listed Skyrim: Legendary Edition, which will contain the core game as well as all three game add-on packs, for sale with a release date of 7 June. It is currently unconfirmed by Bethesda Softworks.

Eurogamer reports that the PC version is listed for sale at 139.90 zł which works out to £29 and US$44. The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are 169.90 zł or about £35 and US$54.

Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas all had similar bundle packs, referred to as Game of the Year editions.

Bethesda Softworks hasn't commented at this stage but we will update the news when they do.


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  1. Zekerbox
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I just bought this version and I'm totally addicted! loving this game, especially with the modding community behind it like it is! Cheers to all you modders!

  2. thenobody0
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Yeah, I do feel like Bethesda just thought "modders will fix it" on a lot of things. Vanilla Skyrim feels very incomplete and doesn't have much replay value.
    When I first read there weren't going to be any more DLC I felt like I got punched in the gut. Such a disappointment. So many unanswered questions.
  3. smokex
    • premium
    • 3 kudos

    In response to post #7867286. #7867308, #7867581, #7867835, #7868896 are all replies on the same post.


    Instead of calling mods stupid, perhaps you should learn to install them?

    If they made a Thalmor DLC, people would just complain that they didn't get closure to the game because they didn't really destroy the Thalmor, they just routed them from Skyrim. And if you wanted a "eradicate the entire Thalmor" DLC, you are asking for a DLC that is AT LEAST 8 times as big as the game itself... A bit too greedy, are we?

    Eradicate the entire Thalmor? That actually sounds like a great idea for the Beyond Skyrim crew!
  4. smon67
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Just my 2p`s worth seeing as the way this post has gone,,,lol
    skyrim, I really LOVE the game, best game ever, great gameplay,
    skyrim, I really HATE the game, ctd,,,,,,,,ctd,,,,,,,ctd,,,,,,, and so on,
    Legendary edition should have been "fixed" by Beth`,,,,,mmmm come to think of it m/s have been getting away with it for years,,,,,lol
  5. johnalex999
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    • 0 kudos

    It's my personal belief that Skyrim without doubt is hands down one of the best games I've ever played, the others all Bethesda titles, it makes me sad to see the move into MMO because here in the internet barren Australia, MMO gaming for me is basically impossible.

    That and it ruins the feeling of being a 'lone hero' which drew me so deeply into Skyrim and gave it that re-playability. MMO's rarely find commercial success and manage to survive long enough to live up to the effort put in it and don't give all that much in return to their creators. The Elder Scrolls I believe doesn't belong online, like they seem to be angling. Despite the fact that it still looks alright. But to abandon all future DLC for it seems like a bad move.

    I would hate to see it go down the path Diablo did, I grew up on Diablo one and two but three, I just didn't find it at all interesting, even if I did from where I live (country Salt Ash) internet is just out of the question for something like that, my connection standards are of the bare minimum it would just be far too game breaking.

    I really don't want to see this franchise go down that path, ever since Morrwind I fell in love with The Elder Scrolls, this is probably the only MMO I would want to find proper commercial success simply because I think Bethesda really does care about their fan base and few game companies do along with the fact that a large portion of the fan base aren't your COD fanatics who love breaking headsets and the like.

    Just wanted to vent a bit, but all said. I wish Bethesda luck and I will definitely be looking out for this edition on the selves can't wait and worth every cent!

    I think Skyrim has been the game that equalled the thrill of borderlands 1 and 2 plus the magestic feeling of vangaurd : saga of heroes mmorpg that I so much enjoyed and still think has been the best mmorpg in every respect despite its failures. I wish them luck in the mmorpg industry. Still I have to say that i have quite some reservations about their move to the genre. The free to play model that has currently plagues the mmorpg industry has ruined the games irreparably. Instead of being f2p ( as path of exile is right now) it is pay to win. Games full of hysterical nerds that spend hundreds of dollars or euros to get the edge. Not to mention what the game will offer in terms of thrill, addiction and fun, aka quality for me, is still yet unknown.
    The legendary edition is awesome. In ultra high setting on a low end pc like mine (old dual core intel + ati 5870) runs great even with x2 antiaaising with supersampling enbaled. I was never able to finish the game in the first play even after 150 hours spent in the game exploring on my lvl 64 char so now it is the right time to enjoy ONE of the most magnificent rpg games.
    As for the future of PC....... the new xbox one + playstation 4 are simply now console version of PCs as they both incorporate the same amd+ati technology that will now enable developers to make games for all three (including the PC) without the need of porting them to the respective consoles. That will give devs more time and more resources to devote to pure gaming quality. I hope.
    For those Diablo addicts, try path of exile, it is free to play (and I mean FREE).
    1. xixoline
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      150 hours not ended? not even close i have over 300 hours gonneee and i have not finished ALL QUESTS and my char is lvl 80
    2. figaccio98
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's my personal belief that Skyrim without doubt is hands down one of the best games I've ever played, the others all Bethesda titles, it makes me sad to see the move into MMO because here in the internet barren Australia, MMO gaming for me is basically impossible.

      That and it ruins the feeling of being a 'lone hero' which drew me so deeply into Skyrim and gave it that re-playability. MMO's rarely find commercial success and manage to survive long enough to live up to the effort put in it and don't give all that much in return to their creators. The Elder Scrolls I believe doesn't belong online, like they seem to be angling. Despite the fact that it still looks alright. But to abandon all future DLC for it seems like a bad move.

      I would hate to see it go down the path Diablo did, I grew up on Diablo one and two but three, I just didn't find it at all interesting, even if I did from where I live (country Salt Ash) internet is just out of the question for something like that, my connection standards are of the bare minimum it would just be far too game breaking.

      I really don't want to see this franchise go down that path, ever since Morrwind I fell in love with The Elder Scrolls, this is probably the only MMO I would want to find proper commercial success simply because I think Bethesda really does care about their fan base and few game companies do along with the fact that a large portion of the fan base aren't your COD fanatics who love breaking headsets and the like.

      Just wanted to vent a bit, but all said. I wish Bethesda luck and I will definitely be looking out for this edition on the selves can't wait and worth every cent!
  6. FurexRecoil
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It's my personal belief that Skyrim without doubt is hands down one of the best games I've ever played, the others all Bethesda titles, it makes me sad to see the move into MMO because here in the internet barren Australia, MMO gaming for me is basically impossible.

    That and it ruins the feeling of being a 'lone hero' which drew me so deeply into Skyrim and gave it that re-playability. MMO's rarely find commercial success and manage to survive long enough to live up to the effort put in it and don't give all that much in return to their creators. The Elder Scrolls I believe doesn't belong online, like they seem to be angling. Despite the fact that it still looks alright. But to abandon all future DLC for it seems like a bad move.

    I would hate to see it go down the path Diablo did, I grew up on Diablo one and two but three, I just didn't find it at all interesting, even if I did from where I live (country Salt Ash) internet is just out of the question for something like that, my connection standards are of the bare minimum it would just be far too game breaking.

    I really don't want to see this franchise go down that path, ever since Morrwind I fell in love with The Elder Scrolls, this is probably the only MMO I would want to find proper commercial success simply because I think Bethesda really does care about their fan base and few game companies do along with the fact that a large portion of the fan base aren't your COD fanatics who love breaking headsets and the like.

    Just wanted to vent a bit, but all said. I wish Bethesda luck and I will definitely be looking out for this edition on the selves can't wait and worth every cent!
  7. Psimander
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    From the little bit I gathered from this thread, I'd wager people are more upset with a sudden end of DLC content than with the overall quality of the game. People are just venting. I can't really blame them. The abrupt end to DLC just feels odd.

    I'd argue it was a poorly calculated move by Bethesda to end its DLC content when the community had been anticipating the announcement of the next one. Either they miscalculated, or DLC wasn't bringing in enough sales.

    Or with Elder Scrolls Online coming, a DLC rich Skyrim has the risk of players sticking with Skyrim and less playing ESO. Lowering ESO online time and user base and thus less money earned from ESO.
    So maybe they realized it and cut off all further Skyrim development and support. So players jump on the ESO train. Maybe there is not enough place for a single player TES and ESO.
    On the other side (development), they need a lot of developers for ESO content and could have transfered all major artists to existing ESO teams, leaving no one to develop another Skyrim DLC.
    Looks like a well calculated move to me.
    1. vinak
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      MMO's are where franchises go to die. Corporations just haven't caught onto that yet. It's still a poorly calculated move. They can pretend that a different company is working on the MMO while another is working on TES all they like, but in reality, they are all under one umbrella and will move resources around if the need arises. So if the rumor is true that they canceled all further development on Skyrim for the MMO, than we can pretty much expect an end to all future titles until they inevitably realize the MMO is a waste of resources.

      The idea they would cancel DLC for Skyrim in favor of an MMO would show a complete lack of understanding of the MMO demographic. I've been playing MMO's for more than a decade now and a new DLC for Skyrim would have absolutely zero impact on whether or not I play TES Online. The basis for that is solely on the quality of TES Online and nothing else. So far the game looks pretty bad, and based on comments being turned off on the official youtube channel; they know it. it's quite comical that they have have dev question videos with no means to actually respond.

    2. cuddlesthedwagon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This man tells the truth. I used to love playing Warcraft......and then when WoW came.....I just.......*sniffle*
    3. qeezer
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      @vinak Well said.Personally I have zero intention in playing TES Online.

      I used to play Everquest I and II until I eventually woke up to the fact that a) other people are mostly annoying and b) I'd rather be the hero of my game, rather than one of thousands of supposed heroes.

      MMOs just remind me of Monty Python's "bicycle repair man" sketch: in a world of literal 'supermen' everyone with 'special gifts' is actually not special at all ...
  8. azaltan
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    ''...Skryim development and marketing budget
    $85 Million''

    developement budget; $40 million,

    pr and marketing budget; $45 million,

    quality assurence budget; $1000.

  9. EnigManic
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Anyone remember the Diablo games? They were made exclusively for the PC and made pretty well.
    I really wish some game developer could think not just with their wallets and have the guts to pour their efforts into an outstanding game for the PC and then worry about porting it to the consoles.
    1. angered709
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      @dpurkiss Steam NEVER lets out things such as the number of copies sold, it's their POLICY. Stop talking 14% crap!!! It's probably 96% PC gamers out there, who knows? Since 2006 they've sold 75 mil. consoles of both types, and most of them are now defunkt and gone into the dumpster, so the console owners are unlike faggots as they ain't legion at all and don't even count as 10% of all the gaming community. They're nothing. Nada nihilus.
      @Kyerea consoles don't have RAM at all. It's only 512/256 Mb of shared GDDR3 memory used for both system and graphics. How are you supposed to add some blended refracting hexadecagonal mead bottles there? They'd be frakked like toasters and it'd mean no Skyrim on consoles. Otherwise it means we have nontransparent mead bottles on PC. And surilie brothers wine bottle isn't even hexadecagonal.
      @Thruen imagine how bad it could be when every conjuration spell in both DLCs for Skyrim lacks an 'ignore spell absorption' flag and it means it's a TON of bugs because there are lot of them spells. And I don't know why my conjured dremora disappears as soon I use a Whirlwind Cloak, maybe a mod conflict? But I've never met a single bug in Two Worlds II or Pirates of the Flying Fortress add-on, I guess owing a xbox has stripped you of all the luck in the world as you've definitely found some.
      @EnigManic I don't think Diablo series is what it seems. It's a poor quality MMO, and if you wanted some decent MMORPG you could join them E.V.E. community. And if you want some monsters killed there's always Buttholefield 3. Anyway in both cases they ain't better than any Cevat Yerli's f2p talk because they're MMO schlock. Never played those, it's boring. Btw "If you like the game, buy it"
  10. vipermkii
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos">
    Imagine if Crytek made an RPG! Better yet, a Sci-Fi RPG! They would do right by PC gamers. Of course, all of Cevat Yerli's F2P talk does raise some concerns. . .