Focus group full!

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Well that certainly didn’t take long! Thank you to all those that have emailed in with regards to joining the closed focus group. Your enthusiasm and willingness to help out the Nexus is amazing and as I keep repeating, I’m glad to be working with such an awesome community.

I’ll be sending those that will be involved an email this week with information on what is going to happen next and how to get involved with the discussion. If after reading through, you still feel that you want to be a part then just respond following the instructions and we’ll get started.

To those that haven’t made it in this time, there will be plenty more opportunity to have your say and to see what’s happening. I’m going to try and keep posts coming on a regular basis with an update on current proceedings, where we are at and what is upcoming. I always welcome feedback no matter what the subject, so please feel free to PM or email me with anything that you have

Thanks again


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  1. disi30
    • premium
    • 51 kudos
    Did it just change, so you can edit a post and the changes are applied immediately? Before you had to hit F5 or click other buttons to refresh...
  2. Apzurv
    • premium
    • 1,493 kudos
    Thank you so much
  3. TLymond
    • member
    • 2 kudos

    In response to post #29990190. #29994420, #30004085, #30041915 are all replies on the same post.

    Pointing to it over the content of my comment though exposes a desire to ignore everything except the ellipses.

    If one is lazy about simple things when using the written word to communicate, others tend to think one is lazy about everything.  Like spending the time to understand and address complex issues. 
    Your post (even stripped of the ellipses) demonstrates such laziness.  You have been a member here for less than 10 months.  Dark0ne has been running the Nexus for over 15 years.  Nothing in your post gives any credibility to the notion that you know better than the site owner whether or not it is a good idea to solicit feedback from a small group of users as a step toward determining possible design changes.
    1. Fowldragon
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      You assume that typing is a simple don't actually know that though. You believe it is simple for you and that's all the mental effort you'll apply...I won't waste my time in an attempt to excuse through disability what I've already conceded as laziness.

      Good catch though,deducing what was openly admitted.

      The Issue of choosing a focus group is fairly simple... Base selection on what you hope to gain from the group and what combination of people/experience would best accomplish that goal...state the qualifiers you value and choose from the respondents...

      Nothing I said was meant to, nor should it have been inferred to mean that Robin had anything to do with the Focus group selection...Paul was chosen to manage aspects of the Nexus operation so Robin would then be free'd up to actually have a life and opportunity for Holiday with his mates instead of minding the fallout from Gabe/VALVE's next misadventure and misjudgement.

      This is not Robin who posted here....Paul is who I offered response to and it is HE who I essentially said...' What do you need a focus group for your judgement.' But Maybe you're privy to more of the decision making process...of who's choice it was to establish a focus group...who chose the group...maybe that is where and why you perceive criticism of Robin when none was given.

      As for the membership...I have more than 1...but assuming I've only been around for 10 months is could you know...and why would you bother to consider something outside your field of vision...
  4. Fowldragon
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    So why not simply establish the criteria you used to make your choice from the outset?...for instance...if you chose not to involve anyone who wasn't at least a supporter...someone who had at least one mod posted.

    Following the great Pay-mod fiasco...both user and modder have moved on...This is not a Community...people will move to new different life involvements...some will cease to exist in the context of gaming altogether...

    Robin has injected some life into nexus by delegating aspects of the site to those with a passion...but establishing focus groups and such tends to complicate the decision making process...use your judgement...take ownership...and when change occurs by your hand...the feedback will you really believe that there is a chance that you would fail to make the changes needed...or that the ones you do make will be off the mark?...
    1. Vhaltyrr
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Your use of ellipses instead of commas troubles me.
    2. ThadiusFaran
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Well we won't have a new TES game for a long time...

      I'd say when Skywind hits people will come back to mod it.
    3. ff7legend
      • premium
      • 1,437 kudos
      Skywind won't be out for a very long time either. They've been working on that project for years. That very same team working on Skywind is also working on Skyblivion, which is Oblivion ported over to the Skyrim engine like Skywind is Morrowind ported over to the Skyrim engine. It will be years before said projects are done. Beyond Skyrim has been under construction for nearly 6 years & will likely not be released for several more years. Beyond Skyrim: Bruma was supposed to be out by Summer 2014 & has yet to have an announced release date. I seriously doubt that will be released anytime soon either. By the time any of these mods are released TESVI will have already been announced or released. I just hope Bethesda doesn't botch the launch of FO4 like they did Skyrim on PS3. I'm a former PS3 owner of Skyrim & made the switch to the PC version going on 4 years ago due to all the horrific issues the PS3 version is stuck with. Never again will I buy a Bethesda title on console after what I had to deal with on the PS3 version of Skyrim. Regardless, TESVI will no doubt be released before Skywind, Skyblivion, or Beyond Skyrim due to the sheer size/scope of those mods. I give it a max of 2 years before TESVI is announced &/or released.
    4. Fowldragon
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      I also misspell and Poorly punctuate...

      Image result for
      Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ????????, élleipsis, "omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots (typically three, such as "…") that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.

      Given that the purpose of ellipses is to mark an omission...or to imply a pause for emphasis...It then is used most appropriately for one who is too lazy to punctuate and spell correctly. My excess is proof that I am far more lazy than most.

      Pointing to it over the content of my comment though exposes a desire to ignore everything except the ellipses.
  5. KunoMochi
    • premium
    • 35 kudos

    In response to post #29900255.
    Though I see that things run well on this site I also see that at times things are not so clear. If your ad for a focus group had been as clear as your multiple Thank YOU's had been Paul, I guess there would have been many more members who would have felt included. Almost feels like subliminal messaging which for the few...Got It!

    But on the otherhand I appreciate all the hard work that goes into making this into a very special site as I also have had my own site in the past and know well how difficult it is to please all.

    Carry on and have fun....

    I feel that it is better that way. For the people that sent messages pertaining the Focus Group, they have shown that they have a perceptive eye for detail and are willing to take the time to do so. Testing isn't just about using something until it breaks, it means being able to help pinpoint a problem with the devs. Even better if the tester is willing to go out of the way to help try different scenarios and test cases in order to see what works and what doesn't.
    Regardless, this 25-person Focus Group is only an initial phase. From Paul's post about the redesign, the Focus Group will probably get bigger later on to allow more people to test.
  6. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos
    @JD001; With more prominent visibility of the Focus Group the result would only have been MORE people being disappointed by not being included, since only the same number could participate regardless.
  7. EggyInaBaskutt
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hrm, this is what I get for not checking this site daily!

    As reiterated, hope this redesign isn't bad with Fallout 4 around the corner.

    Edit: While I would welcome a wider width on the body, please don't throw in unnecessary columns to fill space. They're a common error in broken design costing an average portal CMS +$15k quotes to resolve. Keep streamlined top down.
    1. Zaldiir
      • Moderator
      • 487 kudos
      Don't think you have to worry about that. The design likely won't be done for quite some time still.
  8. superrandombros28
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I have one suggestion to improve the site. This site has been great, but there is one thing that has been a bit annoying lately. Lately, on a lot of mods, when I go to download a file, instead of going straight to the download, I have to click through a few annoying notices about things I already know about. By the time I decide to download a file, I have already read about it, so I already know what is required. In addition, I already know I can donate to the mod author, so I don't need to see notices about those things. I looked through the preferences thinking that there is probably a way to disable the notices, but I did not see any settings for it. While they are annoying for me, I do see the notices potentially being useful to some people, such as those who are new to modding, so it is not a bad idea to have them. It would just be really nice to have a way to turn them off for people who already know what they are doing!
  9. ERASERhead1
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    With Fallout 4 right around the corner, please don't f*** this up.
  10. k1nt4ro
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    I do have a ford focus so technically i should be in ! Anyway good luck to those who made it ..
    1. marmotte
      • premium
      • 358 kudos