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About this mod

Adds Galactus as a standalone playable slot using Clone Engine to add a custom slot offscreen. featuring 8 new selectable custom alt skins/colors.

Permissions and credits
Google Drive DL Link (Click)

Requires Clone Engine
Clone Engine Download Link (Click)

Galactus finally joins the battle!

Adds Galactus to your character select screen with his own standalone slot offscreen.

Install instructions: 
- Drag and drop the "NativePCx64" folder in your "ULTIMATE MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3" directory
- Do not drag and drop the provided "Character.INI" file. instead, open it and copy the contents. Than open the Character.INI file already in your "ULTIMATE MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3" Directory (provided if you downloaded Clone Engine beforehand) and paste the text under the last lines of character entry listed on it (Such as Ultron as "Character 1") and rename the XX to the next number after the last character above it (In this case character 2 as Ultron was Character 1) more on the instructions should be provided in the Clone Engine readme.

Optional BGM Instructions (Can be skipped if too difficult):
- Go to the "Optional BGM" folder and drag and drop the "Sound" folder into your "ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3\nativePCx64" directory do not drag and drop any other files or folders in it if or else it might conflict. Than open the BGMBatch file already in your "ULTIMATE MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3" Directory (provided if you downloaded Clone Engine beforehand) and paste the text inside your BGMBatch from the mod's rar file into the Batch already in your folder (This is to prevent conflicting in case you had a modified Batch already. Than open the "ASTBGMTool" Folder (Provided by default once you download Clone Engine) and use the command line tool (Open it by typing cmd on your file explorer top) and than type the command prompts "ASTBGMTool bgm [STQR file] [Stream batch text file]" on it.
Example: ASTBGMTool bgm BGM_Original.stqr BGMBatch.txt
If done right, a "BGM_New.STQR" file gets made. Copy and paste it to the "CloneEngine" folder inside the "NativePCx64" folder and rename it to BGM.STQR (Make sure to rename or delete the previous BGM.STQR inside of it that gets made by default). Load your game and the song should play properly vs your opponent
If there are any confusions than more info should be included on the Clone Engine ReadMe.

Update 2 changes
Clone engine has been update to version 4 which has changed some things including fixing some existing issues within the mod and giving some quality to life improvements.
These changes are:
Lifebar UI and Result screen Textures now appear properly so Galactus' name and Lifebar icon will show up.
The camera when fighting Galactus is automatically zoomed out like his boss fight making him much more enjoyable to both play as and fight.
Galactus can now be tagged in and out anytime in battle while on the ground with little to no issues
Galactus now can be used as an assist which includes 3 unused assists that are usable in this mod.

Update 3 changes
2 new colors have been added with new UI.
Textures have been updated for colors as well as new UI to accommodate for all pre-existing colors.

While Galactus can tagged in and out freely, it mainly works well on the ground as if he gets tagged in while doing an aerial combo he will get stuck staying above the ground with no legs. This can only be fixed by switching to a different character which will make them fall back to the ground.
Galactus' assists while unused and intact/unmodified, are unfinished as a result and because of that, only the first is the most functional while his second and third assists are unfinished and barely do anything.

Special thanks:
Gneiss (@gneiss64 for the custom slots/clone engine!)
MooCartoons (@MooCartoons for help on the 7th and 8th costume slot and for the Galactipool model)
ArcherOfLegend (@ArcherOfLegend For the new materials on the 5th and 6th colors.)
And special thanks to the UMVC3 Modding Community for helping out whenever I needed them.