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About this mod

Mod for USFIV Announcer, to be installed in the game folder.

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So what is the deal?

In USFIV the Announcer voice level is attached to the Character's voice level.
If you raise the volume to hear the Character better, the Announcer starts to get really annoying.
I've been using CeeBee88's SFIV Vanilla Announcer mod for USFIV, but even that one is too loud and I can't hear the Character's voice well. 

To change this, I've dropped the Announcer voice level at CeeBee88's mod by:
Title Screen = -8.5db
Character Selection Screen = -2.5db
Everywhere else = -5db

If you want to use this mod, just drop the contents of the zip file inside your game folder at:
...\Steam\steamapps\common\Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition\patch_ae2_tu3

Also, since I'm using LC-DDM's mod for the Skullgirls BGM Character Selection Screen, I've dropped the sound level  for that mod too, so it's compatible with the new Announcer voice level.
I'm adding this alternative version of the Skullgirls BGM mod to the download section.

To install it, just drop the contents of the zip file inside your game folder at:
...\Steam\steamapps\common\Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition\patch_ae2_tu3\ui\sound\bgm

The mods shouldn't overwrite any file, but make sure to have a backup of your original files before installing the mod.

Original Announcer mod by CeeBee88:

Original Skullgirls Character Selection BGM mod by LC-DDM:
