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UT2k4 Map Specific Loading Screens 16-9
Replaces the default loading screens with screens of the chosen map. Maps not included in this package, will show a randomly chosen default loading screen.
- 372.8MB
- 25
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UT2k4 Map Specific Loading Screens 16-9
Replaces the default loading screens with screens of the chosen map. Maps not included in this package, will show a randomly chosen default loading screen.
Single Player Campaign Difficulty Fix
FINALLY, after all these years the difficulty issue/feature in single player campaign is fixed.
- 16.2MB
- 21
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Single Player Campaign Difficulty Fix
FINALLY, after all these years the difficulty issue/feature in single player campaign is fixed.
Changes the default NvidiaLogo intro to a Unreal Technology Logo.
This is a little package i've made with the Quake Champions Announcer.
UCMP-Loading Screens contains: UCMP Loading Screens, UCMP2 Loading Screens, UCMP3 Loading Screens, and the UCMP4 Loading Screens. All credit goes to KALVin976 for making these loading screens for the UCMP team. The loading screens are selected by UT2004 at random. They will not adjust to the currently selected map. This means that you'll see UCMP loading screens on any maps you have installed - not just the UCMP maps. The first loading screen features a "hellish" scene. The second loading screen features a futuristic sceen with a lot of golds and whites. The third is a scene from a futuristic city; it is a shot from a connection between two buildings. The last loading screen in the series is a plaza with a big dome overhead. All of them are professionally done and feature a lot of detail. Download these great downloading screens today!
- 20.4MB
- 2
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UCMP-Loading Screens contains: UCMP Loading Screens, UCMP2 Loading Screens, UCMP3 Loading Screens, and the UCMP4 Loading Screens. All credit goes to KALVin976 for making these loading screens for the UCMP team. The loading screens are selected by UT2004 at random. They will not adjust to the currently selected map. This means that you'll see UCMP loading screens on any maps you have installed - not just the UCMP maps. The first loading screen features a "hellish" scene. The second loading screen features a futuristic sceen with a lot of golds and whites. The third is a scene from a futuristic city; it is a shot from a connection between two buildings. The last loading screen in the series is a plaza with a big dome overhead. All of them are professionally done and feature a lot of detail. Download these great downloading screens today!
Unofficial Unreal Starsky Partridge Music for UT2004
7 unofficial music from Starsky Partridge to UT2004
- 35.7MB
- 1
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Unofficial Unreal Starsky Partridge Music for UT2004
7 unofficial music from Starsky Partridge to UT2004