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Valheim mod that enables devcommands on Valheim dedicated servers.
Updated for Hearth and Home.
You must manually enable the Valheim console in steam: Open Steam Go to Library Right-click on Valheim Click on Properties Find the Launch Options field in the General tab Enter “-console” in the Launch Options field Launch Valheim Press F5 to access the console when you are logged in Type "devcommands" without the quotation marks at the console to enable commands
currently supports: god heal pos resetcharacter raiseskill resetskill debugmode freefly ffsmooth resetmap exploremap tod skiptime wind resetwind spawn players removedrops tame killall dpsdebug
plus additional QOL commands: stamina - inifinite stamina cheat damage - max damage cheat (for breaking trees/mining) nodrop - prevent character from dropping items on death nobreak - prevent damage to buildings so you don't have to repair base fireplace - instantly replenish fuel on all torches/fireplaces around you, and prevent them from running out