What this Addon does is alter the various weapons to do damage equivalent to their P&P incarnations. Due to the Damage Formula the game uses being uneditable, I had to use an alternate method to achieve the desired results.
I did this by having the 'Base Damage' and 'Combat Requirement' stats be the same for each weapon, making Lethality alone determine how much maximum damage a weapon would do. For more details on this, see the included 'Weapons List.txt' file.
The Addon also reduces the Player's Max_Health to 70, as well as changes the Defense Feat from Wit+Dodge to Dex+Dodge and the Sneak Feat from Dex+Stealth to Wit+Stealth. To accommodate this change, the NPCs have had their Dex/Wit stats switched where doing so made sense.
Specific Full Version Changes
This Version alters all the NPC stats to fit with P&P. This generally boiled down reducing Max_Health to 70 and raising Blood Pool to 10, though obviously not all NPCs have those values. There were various other inconsistencies I ran across however, and they were altered as well. Such as the Sheriff not having the correct boost from the Marauder form, and some hunters with Numina missing Faith Points.
In order to fix the issue with Ranged weapons relying on Perception/Firearms for damage, I went about altering all Ranged using NPCs to have Firearms and Perception scores of 5. This has the effect of making NPCs do the correct P&P damage with Firearms. The player still has to raise it manually with XP unfortunately, but the Player also has access to Disciplines and Tactics that the NPCs do not, so I believe it all evens out in the end.
Again: These changes are only present in the Full Version.
This is best installed over an existing P&P Mod installation. You could install it over a normal installation as long as you install the files contained in the 'Non-P&P Mod Files' folder afterward.
Just open either the "Basic Version.exe" or "Full Version.exe" file and, when it asks, select your main Bloodlines directory.
The Full Version includes NPC statistic changes, while the Basic does not.