About this mod
Instant chest opening,
Instant magnet of gems & coins,
magnet disabled for other pick-ups,
3 arcanas selection at start,
any max weapon N,
no particles effects,
lucky eggs - eggs give only luck,
level up stat growth - +1% curse, +5 magnet,
free item evolutions,
no knockback for enemies, <
- Permissions and credits
1. get a free text comparer ( https://winmerge.org/ for example) (or any other you'd like)
2. open both main files in it & navigate changes between the modded bundle file and original one (ALT + Down arrow to go next one)

(yes, I deemed it impossible and of no much practical use to make separate mods and modpages for every little change - so here's the DIY (do it yourself))
List of changes included:
Instant chest opening (penta chests too),
Instant magnet of gems & coins (when in magnet range they don't slowly fly towards you but instantly),
magnet disabled for other pick-ups - you need to walk over them to pick them up (just like with chests),
3 arcanas selection at start, (you can set any number in the text)
any max weapon number can be selected in the checkbox,
no particles effects (image files makes most 100% transparent (invisible)) (and code edit hides runetracer and no-future) (also hides healing numbers & above-head effects on level-up via code),
lucky eggs - eggs give only luck,
level up stat growth - +1% curse, +5 magnet, (edit curse growth number to make game either harder or easier)
free item evolutions - no item required for evolutions or unions (but only black bird & blue gun & white whip can evolve by themselves into a union item),
no knockback for enemies - both on hit and on death - (to make game more dynamic),
curse rework - now only increases enemy HP (but x3 of the curse value not x1 how it was - to compensate for not increasing enemy spawn frequency and not increasing their speed)
global minor optimization (now there are globally less function calls and calculations where weren't needed)
v0.8: - added curse rework,
no knockback for enemies &
now all chests can be opened instantly without hitting ESC,
made code overall more light (optimization),
level-up above-head effects disabled,
healing numbers now hidden via game option (hide dmg numbers) and now
Drowner (blue death) flood effect is left and not cut out so you can see it
v0.7: - now money bags from candles also get insta-magneted (Peppino mini hearts too cuz else it'd lag with tons of em around)