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All weapons achievements - Keep your distance The tools of profession Weapons of choice
Save file for all weapons achievementsYou will have to embrace Giselle, Louise and Clarence to unlock each achievment.
- 260KB
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All weapons achievements - Keep your distance The tools of profession Weapons of choice
Save file for all weapons achievementsYou will have to embrace Giselle, Louise and Clarence to unlock each achievment.
Pacifist and Plant achievements - Not even once and Life Is Unstrange
Save file, before final boss for pacifist achievement.Click on the plant in your room for plant achievementLevel 50 character
- 246KB
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Pacifist and Plant achievements - Not even once and Life Is Unstrange
Save file, before final boss for pacifist achievement.Click on the plant in your room for plant achievementLevel 50 character
Fuse00's Dr Reid Face Retexture - PAK Version
Fuse00's beautiful face retexture, now in easy-to-install, ReShade-compatible .PAK version!
- 31.0MB
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Fuse00's Dr Reid Face Retexture - PAK Version
Fuse00's beautiful face retexture, now in easy-to-install, ReShade-compatible .PAK version!
Unlimited Money Mod for Vampyr
Start a new game on Hard difficulty, from the first "real" shelter (in front of the bar), with all passive abilities set to maximum.
- 49KB
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Start a new game on Hard difficulty, from the first "real" shelter (in front of the bar), with all passive abilities set to maximum.
This Mod changes the XBOX button prompts to PS4 button prompts in Vampyr
Just a tutorial for how to save your games in file explorer so you can save scum (I would argue it isn't save scumming when some of the dialogue choices lead to drastically different outcomes than you expected.
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Just a tutorial for how to save your games in file explorer so you can save scum (I would argue it isn't save scumming when some of the dialogue choices lead to drastically different outcomes than you expected.
Reshade preset i originally made for Dishonored2
This Mod Retextures the Default Surgeon Coat that Jonathan wear's and gives it a Dracula theme from the classic Vampire Movies making your experience with the game much more romantic and bloody.
- 2.3MB
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This Mod Retextures the Default Surgeon Coat that Jonathan wear's and gives it a Dracula theme from the classic Vampire Movies making your experience with the game much more romantic and bloody.
Makes Dr. Reid look fully vampiric regardless of damnation level.
Makes Jonathan look fully human regardless of damnation level.
Texture Mod - Black Suit Re-Re-Uploaded
Another re-upload of the black suit, one that actually works, no texture flickering or some items of clothing not working.
- 31.5MB
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Texture Mod - Black Suit Re-Re-Uploaded
Another re-upload of the black suit, one that actually works, no texture flickering or some items of clothing not working.
Vampyr Enhanced is a massive upgrade on the graphics using Reshade, using as little graphical changes as possible.
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Vampyr Enhanced is a massive upgrade on the graphics using Reshade, using as little graphical changes as possible.
Chapter 1 Save Game - Best Start
Chapter 1 Save Game. 5,000 XP gained through grinding the Priwen guards at the docks where William Bishop is, approximately 850 shillings collected, lots of crafting materials, no cheats or trainers used, on Normal difficulty.
- 64KB
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Chapter 1 Save Game - Best Start
Chapter 1 Save Game. 5,000 XP gained through grinding the Priwen guards at the docks where William Bishop is, approximately 850 shillings collected, lots of crafting materials, no cheats or trainers used, on Normal difficulty.
This mod adds 11 new selectable weapons to the game.
Replaces Jonathan with Geoffrey McCullum.
Jonathan Wearing The Physician Suit.
Jonathan Shaved Head - Physician Suit
Jonathan with a shaved head and grey beard wearing a recolored physician suit.
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Jonathan Shaved Head - Physician Suit
Jonathan with a shaved head and grey beard wearing a recolored physician suit.
Tutorial on modding Vampyr.
Jonathan wearing the flashback Coat