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East Indies CampaignIs a new Standalone Map and Mod centering around the Dutch East Indies in early 1942The Mod incorporates a number of new ships and a new map with two campaigns of the Dutch East Indies:Allied Campaign - The ABDACOM Defensive.Japanese Campaign - Centrifugal Offensive.
- 1.9GB
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East Indies CampaignIs a new Standalone Map and Mod centering around the Dutch East Indies in early 1942The Mod incorporates a number of new ships and a new map with two campaigns of the Dutch East Indies:Allied Campaign - The ABDACOM Defensive.Japanese Campaign - Centrifugal Offensive.
Tripartite Dystopia is an alt-history mod which pits three superpowers against eachother with extended technology including advanced submarines.
- 1.1GB
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Tripartite Dystopia is an alt-history mod which pits three superpowers against eachother with extended technology including advanced submarines.
Following the surrender of Singapore, the fortified island of Ceylon became Britain's next line of defense in the eastern region. Consequently, the Royal Navy's East Indies Station was relocated to Colombo, establishing its headquarters at the shore base HMS Lanka. This provides the next chapter for the Indian Ocean Campaign.
- 773.0MB
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Following the surrender of Singapore, the fortified island of Ceylon became Britain's next line of defense in the eastern region. Consequently, the Royal Navy's East Indies Station was relocated to Colombo, establishing its headquarters at the shore base HMS Lanka. This provides the next chapter for the Indian Ocean Campaign.
Removes time compression limitations.
This mod balances the explosive ordnances in the game to that of their historical values. Speed, Range, Damages for bombs, torpedo's, airplanes and other weapons.DEPREICATED MOD - Devs have rolled the changes from this mod into the base game
- 913KB
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This mod balances the explosive ordnances in the game to that of their historical values. Speed, Range, Damages for bombs, torpedo's, airplanes and other weapons.DEPREICATED MOD - Devs have rolled the changes from this mod into the base game