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A mod inspired by CrescentSaga's Impatience Overhaul, for Wartales v.1.0.39316.
Since the "catch the boss" mod is no longer updated, the original author (thanks to Henotaixjun) has provided the source code on his mod page. Therefore, I am attempting to create the mod in the latest version based on his ideas. This mod works fine.
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Since the "catch the boss" mod is no longer updated, the original author (thanks to Henotaixjun) has provided the source code on his mod page. Therefore, I am attempting to create the mod in the latest version based on his ideas. This mod works fine.
Bandit Playthrough
Upgrade Regular Equipment ONLY
Makes it possible to upgrade all dropped gear at the Brotherhood.
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Upgrade Regular Equipment ONLY
Makes it possible to upgrade all dropped gear at the Brotherhood.
Makes both the Gosenberg town people's attire and the courtier's attire lootable.
Test Mod Upgradable Crafted Crossbows
I made a test mod to make crafted crossbows by a blacksmith upgradeable. It only works on crafted crossbows. Someone asked for it and I attempted to make it. Backup before you replace the file.
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Test Mod Upgradable Crafted Crossbows
I made a test mod to make crafted crossbows by a blacksmith upgradeable. It only works on crafted crossbows. Someone asked for it and I attempted to make it. Backup before you replace the file.
Upgrade Weapons and Armors TSI
Allow to upgrade most of weapons and armor in the resent update of the game, dont know if it works with other mods i just made this for me and wanted to people to enjoy the game the way i do
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Upgrade Weapons and Armors TSI
Allow to upgrade most of weapons and armor in the resent update of the game, dont know if it works with other mods i just made this for me and wanted to people to enjoy the game the way i do
ENGThe mod "Mercenaries Adventures" is designed to reduce the waste of time on unnecessary running and thus reduce many hours of useless walkingRUSМод "Mercenaries Adventures" Призван уменьшить трату времени на ненужную беготню и тем самым сократить много
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ENGThe mod "Mercenaries Adventures" is designed to reduce the waste of time on unnecessary running and thus reduce many hours of useless walkingRUSМод "Mercenaries Adventures" Призван уменьшить трату времени на ненужную беготню и тем самым сократить много
A Quality of Life improvment for thos, who dont want to grinde a lot.
The Land of Plenty aims to spice up the Wartales experience, turning a dull and frustrating stroll across the realm into an exciting journey filled with challenges and rewards.
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The Land of Plenty aims to spice up the Wartales experience, turning a dull and frustrating stroll across the realm into an exciting journey filled with challenges and rewards.
①给所有单位增加了一个拳头近战攻击,该近战攻击把敌方打到10%血量以下可以俘虏敌方(包括boss)②稍微提高了大地图行走和奔跑的速度(1) Added a fist melee attack to all units, which beats the enemy below 10% HP and captures the enemy (including the boss)(2) Slightly increased the
- 168.7MB
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①给所有单位增加了一个拳头近战攻击,该近战攻击把敌方打到10%血量以下可以俘虏敌方(包括boss)②稍微提高了大地图行走和奔跑的速度(1) Added a fist melee attack to all units, which beats the enemy below 10% HP and captures the enemy (including the boss)(2) Slightly increased the
Increase max level to 20. Class Specialization available at level 15. Updated for Wartales v.1.0.39316
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Increase max level to 20. Class Specialization available at level 15. Updated for Wartales v.1.0.39316
Les Chroniques de la guerre - Revision des textes du jeu
Les Chroniques de la guerre est un mod dédié à la révision complète des textes de Wartales. Il vise à corriger les erreurs de traduction, à clarifier les descriptions, et à rendre l'expérience de jeu plus immersive pour les joueurs francophones. Redécouvrez Wartales avec des dialogues et des descriptions plus précis, fidèles à l'esprit
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Les Chroniques de la guerre - Revision des textes du jeu
Les Chroniques de la guerre est un mod dédié à la révision complète des textes de Wartales. Il vise à corriger les erreurs de traduction, à clarifier les descriptions, et à rendre l'expérience de jeu plus immersive pour les joueurs francophones. Redécouvrez Wartales avec des dialogues et des descriptions plus précis, fidèles à l'esprit
We're making it faster to level up by reducing the required number of battles to just a few. This will streamline the process of building your team and allow you to focus on other aspects of the game.レベルアップまでの戦闘回数ボリュームを数回程度に調整します。
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We're making it faster to level up by reducing the required number of battles to just a few. This will streamline the process of building your team and allow you to focus on other aspects of the game.レベルアップまでの戦闘回数ボリュームを数回程度に調整します。
datiBun.Extreme Difficulty.config
A blend between Expert and Extreme difficulty, I changed some values to make Extreme more approachable and at the same time I tried to remain as close to the vanilla experience as possible. This is just a collection of small modifications to values, and tweaks which I found to be more reasonable with my playstyle.
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datiBun.Extreme Difficulty.config
A blend between Expert and Extreme difficulty, I changed some values to make Extreme more approachable and at the same time I tried to remain as close to the vanilla experience as possible. This is just a collection of small modifications to values, and tweaks which I found to be more reasonable with my playstyle.
This simple mod reduces the level XP requirement to 1/4
Updated for Wartales Hard mode and for Adaptive Exploration that makes the game harder with some game balances.These changes were done for how I like to play the game, and thought I would share them.
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Updated for Wartales Hard mode and for Adaptive Exploration that makes the game harder with some game balances.These changes were done for how I like to play the game, and thought I would share them.
AMLA -- After Maximum Level Advancement
For Wartales v 1.0.34519 -- Extends character levels up to 30.
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AMLA -- After Maximum Level Advancement
For Wartales v 1.0.34519 -- Extends character levels up to 30.
This is my personal overhaul with multiple changes, sunch as all equipments upgradeable, always light backpack, cooking always delicious, faster horse shoe, 0% prisoner escape ability, easy prisoner recruit, instant resource respawn, easy lockpick, forging, fishing, easy puzzle, easy ambush, fast lectern, fast stamina regen, packed rat nest, etc..
- 240.7MB
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This is my personal overhaul with multiple changes, sunch as all equipments upgradeable, always light backpack, cooking always delicious, faster horse shoe, 0% prisoner escape ability, easy prisoner recruit, instant resource respawn, easy lockpick, forging, fishing, easy puzzle, easy ambush, fast lectern, fast stamina regen, packed rat nest, etc..
News & Updates
Expanding The Valley - FlashShifter
If you’re a Stardew Valley fan, there’s a good chance you know of this modder and may have even used his Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE) mod to help bring new life into the game (literally). Off the back of the SDV 1.6 update last year, which he helped ConcernedApe develop, I caught up with FlashShifter again to see what else he’s working on at the moment and learn more about his updates to SVE.
Hey FlashShifter, thank you for doing this interview with us! Would yo...- 16 Comments
Monthly Roundup - February 2025
It’s another Monthly Roundup. I know February is a shorter month, but it really has flown by. We’ve even had a bit of sunshine lately, so we’ve all been buzzing at the prospect of Spring and (hopefully) fewer rainy days ahead.
Anyway, a little shorter this month whilst we’re busy working away on some big things, but here it is!
Mod Browsing Open Beta
A big thank you from us to everyone who has engaged with the open beta and sent their feedback. ...- 34 Comments
Festive Competition Winners' Interview
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Screen archery is a huge part of our community here at Nexus Mods. It's something we want to continue celebrating and showcasing as much as possible, alongside all the incredible mods people create. As I mentioned in the winners' announcement post, we're taking a short break from competitions for a little while whilst we focus some of our time on in-house videography projects and all the exciting new content we've got planned.
That doe...- 2 Comments
C3: Community Creations Con is back this Friday 21 to Saturday 22 of February! As many of you will know, this virtual convention is a celebration of the incredible talent within our modding community, showcasing a diverse range of creations across Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Starfield.
C3 is an annual community-driven event, planned and organised this year by Elianora and Kate Aces. It’s something we here at Nexus Mods are incredibly proud to support and help promote.
Valentine's Competition - Winners
So, gang, what are we doing for Valentine’s Day? Do you have anything special planned? Whilst we’re all sharing, why don’t we take a look at our competition winners?
It was another tough competition for us. We had a bunch of fantastic submissions as usual, and deciding our winners doesn’t seem to be getting any easier! Just a quick update for you all - this will be our last competition for a little while, but we’ll be picking them back up again in the near future. As I men...- 21 Comments
Modders-Turned-Devs, We Want Your Stories!
It’s no secret that modding communities are the unsung heroes of the gaming community. Every time we turn around, there's another incredible story of modders shaping the future of gaming. Take The Stanley Parable, which started life as a Half-Life 2 mod, or Enderal sweeping up the Best Fan Creation award at the 2016 Game Awards. So, this got us thinking… what other stories are out there? How many go from modding texture packs to designing environments for AAA games? Maybe your quest mod ...
Monthly Roundup - January 2025
It’s our first Monthly Roundup of the year, it doesn’t get more exciting than this! We didn’t have a roundup last month, as a lot of work during December was odd jobs, internal bits and pieces, instead of project work as a lot of us had time off during the holiday period.
Since we all came back into the office, we’ve hit the ground running and here are some of the things we’ve been working away on in January.
New Bonus Rewards System
We have creat...- 42 Comments
Valentine's Screen Archery Competition
Another holiday means another screen archery competition! Don’t worry, we plan to expand our competitions over time. But while we’re still getting the hang of these and ensuring we’ve got them nailed, we’d love to hear from you about other competitions or events you’d be interested in.
We’re changing it up a little this time though, there will be no categories, the theme is simply Valentine’s Day. We do ask that you keep your entries SFW, with no graphic nudity or depi...- 12 Comments
You’ve probably seen his mod author interviews or ‘Mod or Not’ series. You may even have spotted him presenting our ‘How to use Vortex’ series on YouTube or in some of our other videos across our social platforms.
Today we’re officially introducing you to Jack, one of our new Content Creators alongside Modsetti, or as he’s known on the site, ModularCocoon!
Hey Jack! Thanks for doing this intro interview so the community can get to know you be...- 5 Comments
Halloween Competition Winners' Interview
Screen archery is a huge part of our community here at Nexus Mods, so we’re always looking for ways to shine a spotlight on it, especially as we have so many amazing images being shared in our media section every day.
As I’m sure you’ll all remember, we hosted our first Screen Archery Competition back in October for Halloween. Among the first-place prizes was an interview with the winners of each category, giving them the opportunity to discuss their creative process and share...- 6 Comments
Meet Volitio, the modder making Baldur's Gate 3 players' lives easier one quality-of-life mod at a time. If you've ever found yourself frustrated with companions getting stuck in awkward spots or wished for more refined mod configuration options, these mods are for you!
So, sit back, grab your camp supplies, and read on to learn about how all the magic happens in today’s modder interview.
Hey Volitio, thank you so much for agreeing to an interview! Woul...- 12 Comments
Ordering 32oz of Kobe Beef - Wesp5
Hi all! Before we jump into today's interview, we just wanted to give a quick update regarding the Monthly Roundup for January. To keep it short, there will be no Monthly Roundup this month as our team was out of office for a large chunk of December for the holidays: It'll resume as normal next month though.
With that aside, It’s 2025: You want to play Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, a game notorious for releasing with many technical problems and a whole host of cut content. W...- 26 Comments
As 2024 comes to a close, we wanted to end the year on a personal note with a new starter interview. Tristan, who you might recognise from a brief Monthly Roundup introduction as Shaska, joined us as our Videographer in August. I might be biased as his manager, but he’s been absolutely smashing it!
If you haven’t already checked out our videos on YouTube, now’s the perfect time. Tristan works incredibly hard on them and we appreciate every view, like, comment and subscribe we...- 27 Comments
Feelin' the Nerves - DarkFortuneTeller
Dark Future was Mod of the Month in November for the Cyberpunk 2077 community and has seen no signs of slowing down. I’ve been lucky enough to sit down with the creator of this mod, DarkFortuneTeller, to chat about their history with modding, their process working on this project and any future plans they’ve got in store!
How are you doing today DarkFortuneTeller? Why don’t you give us a quick intro to yourself and what you’re playing and modding at the moment?...- 8 Comments
Mod or Not - The Game Awards 2024
Welcome back to Mod or Not! The article series where I predict the popularity of a modding scene in games revealed at major gaming events as either mod - meaning that I believe there’ll be a significant scene for it - or not - meaning there won’t be.
Last week The Game Awards 2024 was chock-a-block with game reveals and video showcases, but for this article, I’ll be keeping to actual new announcements and reveals (rather than all those little reminder adverts that tell you a...- 41 Comments
A big thank you to everyone who entered this competition. Admittedly, we received fewer submissions than for our Halloween competition, so we’d love to hear your feedback. Do the categories help or hinder? Or has the busy run-up to the holidays kept you from participating?
Despite this, we still received so many fantastic submissions, and once again it was incredibly tough to pick our winners. As I mentioned last time, we understand that everyone will have their own favourites, bu...- 22 Comments
Monthly Roundup - November 2024
As I mentioned in the Festive Screen Archery Competition post, this Roundup is a little delayed. What can I say? We’ve all been trying to use up our holiday days before the end of the year.
Normally, I’d like to leave more time between posts, but with the Christmas holidays fast approaching, I’ve got a lot to fit into a short amount of time. I hope you all don’t mind.
Anyway, let’s crack on with our last monthly roundup of the year (how wild is that?).
Modding the Multiverse - Sumradagnoth8
If you're a passionate D&D 5E player, get ready for something special with today’s modder spotlight! Meet Sumradagnoth8, the mastermind behind some of the most exciting subclass mods for Baldur's Gate 3.
From the precision of the Arcane Archer to the fierce prowess of the Samurai, among many others, Baldur’s Gate 3 players who are looking for expanded playstyles need not look any further.
Thank you so much for agreeing to an interview! Would you ...- 13 Comments
Festive Screen Archery Competition
The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! I hope you all read that like the song from the Coke advert. Anyway, the festive season is almost here, so I have another screen archery competition for you, yay!
I know what you might be thinking: "SlugGirl, where is the Monthly Roundup?" It's on the way, I promise. The holiday season is well underway in the office at the moment, so it's going to take a few more days to get ready for you all. I wanted to post about this competitio...- 21 Comments
Telling a Tale - Jared Alexander
Ever found yourself watching Skyrim TikToks at 2am with no end in sight? If you can relate, you might have stumbled upon some videos made by today’s modder and video game industry hero: Jared Alexander!
When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Rare, he’s busy with his music or his popular TikTok Series 'Skyrim Guard Tales' featuring Jesper the Guard. He’s now brought the eponymous character to life in-game for anyone to recruit as a follow...- 10 Comments