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About this mod

Adds wearable robes to the game. Also alters igni + quen visuals.

Permissions and credits
This mod comes in two parts.

Part 1: magic_fx
This part of the mod contains altered visuals for two signs, igni and quen.

I used to use the Armagedon mod because being able to summon meteors of molten rock and flame is freakin awesome.
However I found this impractical. The meteor would hit trees and buildings instead of its target.
Also, I could not alter the damage of the meteor, only the igni fireball itself.
This mod alters the igni sign to create the molten rock on the enemy when it hits.
The rock will immediately explode, knocking foes to the ground and dealing damage.
The rock will dissolve a few seconds after impact (unlike Armagedon which created ashes that never dissolved).
Also, I can alter the damage of the igni fireball and it will appear as though the meteor itself is dealing the damage.

I always wanted the quen sign to surround you in a sphere of lightning, like it does for letho.
It looks cooler, more powerful and mage-like that way.
And, with this mod, it does.

Part 2: shop_items
This part of the mod contains 3 new items which can be bought from the book vendor, Einar, in Flotsam.
Unfortunately I do not know how to alter item icons and I am not the greatest texturer out there (I'm more of a programmer).

Arch Magus Vest:
This is one part of a set, it is the top half of a set of robes.
The default colour scheme is black and gold, however the black, red and gold set is available for use.
To use the black, red and gold vest just go to 'CookedPC\characters\player\model\trunk\leather_armor\' and change the name of '_arcmge__b17.xbm' to 'arcmge__b17.xbm'.

Arch Magus Robes:
This is one part of a set, it is the bottom half of a set of robes.
The default colour scheme is black and gold, however the black, red and gold set is available for use.
To use the black, red and gold vest just go to 'CookedPC\characters\npc\priest__man\model\' and change the name of '_arcmge__b1.xbm' to 'arcmge__b1.xbm'.

Arch Magus Staff:
This is just a replica of Deathmolds staff for Geralt.
It has the stats of an end-game steel sword so it may seem overpowered - hopefully you know how to fix this if its not to your liking.

Just go to your 'Witcher 2' directory (eg: C:\\program files\Witcher 2\) and place the 'CookedPC' folder inside.
Please note that there is a 'CookedPC' folder for both parts of this mod, just select the one/s that you want.

The shop_items part of the mod will not be compatible with most item altering mods (specifically steel swords, pants and armor)
Also will not be compatible with mods that alter shop items. (eg: Mutagenology)

The magic_fx part of the mod will not be compatible with mods that alter either Quen or Igni sign fx. (eg: Armagedon)

Unfortunatly there is an issue with the lower portion of the robes.
The only lower-robe model I had access to was the robes that Letho wore as a monk.
These are larger robes that normal and may cause some clipping issues (mainly when seated at a table).

Also (as stated earlier) the items icons (I don't know how to cange them).