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About this mod

EE Blackest Leather Scabbard Suitably for my leather armaments and my belts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the \"dzip\" file are: 1 New Texture, 1 modified Bump Map, 1 New Scpecular Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Permissions and credits
EE Blackest Leather Scabbard (made under EE) - if version had to function, however,also in the standard version -


Suitably for my leather armaments and my belts.

In the "dzip" file are: 1 New Texture, 1 modified Bump Map, 1 New Scpecular Map

Copies "dzip - file" in the CookedPC folder.

To activation or deactivating in the Launcher menu, under "settings"/"downloadable contents"!

Hey, nevertheless, the question arises over and over again!

Perhaps, the Bump and Specular Maps also affect the second Scabbard in the play, however, not on the colours!

Indeed, this is not certainly yet the Final version. I will plan for the thing(matter) guaranteed over again.

Unfortunately, the part is complicated very much.


Supamic 2012