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Vikings Item Rebalance for the Witcher 2
In vanilla most people use the same fire rune and diamond armor enchantment. Armor and weapons have similar effects with a few superior items being picked on every game. The mod changes runes, armor enchants weapon and armor.

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Vikings Item Rebalance for the Witcher 2

The mod aim to change equipment to make your game more interesting and your choice of equipment more diversified. In vanilla most people use the same fire rune and diamond armor enchantment. Armor and weapons have similar effects with a few superior items being picked on every game. The mod changes runes, armor enchants weapon and armor. In general act 2 and act 3 swords have been scaled down in damage but given more interesting and diversified effects. End game armor is more diversified and each one has their own merits.

The changes are less dramatic than those of CEO as the mods primary goal is to increase variety.
Dark difficulty items are unchanged, for a greater challenge and greater enjoyment I would recommend not using them. The mod comes in two versions: a dzip version for easy installment and a loose file version for those of you who like to use chosen parts of the mod.


Fire rune: 5% damage increase, 10% incinerate, (no added resistance.)
Earth rune: 8% damage reduction on block, 2% stun chance. (stun works with weapons that has stun chance)
Sun rune: 5% damage increase, 7% bleed, 1% instant kill chance. (instant kill works with all weapons)
Moon rune: 4 sign damage, 5% vigor regeneration.
Ysgith Rune: 7% damage increase, 10% poison.

Armor enchants:

Plate: 3 DR
Mail:2 DR, 10% bleed resistance
Studded Leather: 2 DR, 4% vigor regeneration
Hardened Leather: 1 DR, 10% bleed, poison, flame resistance
Reinforced Leather: 1 DR, 10% bleed, poison, flame resistance
Leather: 1 DR, 7% vigor regeneration
Armor enchant: 1 DR
Hardened cloth: 1 DR, 10% magic resistance
Diamond: 2 DR, 3% bleed, poison, flame, magic resistance
Ametyst: 15% bleed, poison, flame, magic resistance
Dwarven: 2 DR, 15 vitality
Elven: 10% Magic resistance, 4 sign damage
Endrega: 1 DR, 20% poison resistance
Kayran: 2 DR, 30 vitality, 30% poison resistance
Runic: 5 sign damage, 5% vigor regeneration
Magic wrap: 2 DR, 3 sign damage
Dhu Bleidd: 1 DR, 5 sign damage

Some of the armor enchants overlap each other but since removing items from merchants causes problems (no inventory bug) I left them in the game.

Meliteles heart: 1 DR, 7% magic resistance (instead of a useless 1 vitality regeneration outside of combat.)


Slots: I changed a mutable slot in the training tree from arrow redirection to parrying.
Lesser mutagens have been given the same stats as normal mutagens, greater mutagens are still better, rarer and seem to drop later in the game. Some mutagens have been improved:

Vitality and lesser vitality: 10/20/30 (second and third with impregnation 1 and 2)
Greater vitality: 20/30/40

Concentration: 3/4/6 sign damage

Madness: considering how rare it is especially with patch 3.4 the stats have been improved it is now a combination of DR, damage and sign damage.
Some mutagens still seem useless I am however unsure on how to change them and open to suggestions.


Act 1: Heavy leather jackets have been given 1 enchantment slot, elven armors have 2 slots and some unique bonuses. Kayran armor has been given a boost and is now the best armor in the chapter.

Act 2: Aedernian and Kaedven armors have 2 slots, dragonscale armor has less resistance to bleeding and poison though increased resistance to flames. Draugh armor is now unique and useful in chapter 3.

Act 3: Endgame armor has been greatly diversified with different bonuses and features for different builds, resistances has been reduced and caps around 25-40%. All the different armors should now offer a reason for picking them. Vran armor is still great but not necessarily the king of the castle.

Silver swords:

Act 1: Improved sword of Kaer Morhen, added yellow, blue and red meteorite swords (with decreased stats to suit the chapter). Meteorite swords have been redone and improved. Blue swords offer extra vigor and sign damage, red swords bleeding and instant kill chance, yellow swords offer stun and incineration chance.

Act 2: In act 2 there were a number of swords with inferior stats that served only as vendor trash. Each sword is now useful with different combinations strengths and rune slots. Overall damage has been reduced from the more powerful ones.

Act 3: Stats lowered in general and bonuses more diversified, meteorite swords closer in power to unique ones. Different swords suits different builds.

Steel swords:

Act 1: A unique sword has improved and powerful enchants.
Act 2: Overall damage reduced, items rebalanced to make your choice more difficult.
Act 3: More diversified and interesting enchants damage reduced on the more powerful items.

To be able to afford to change and mix your equipment more the Buy/Sell ratio have been changed to 1/15 and mysterious merchant 1/11 (sells cheaper), sell prices have not been altered. (Haggling ability seem to be broken with altered prices so I had to remove the values, it no does nothing.)

How to install and uninstall:

Dzip version: place the file in the witcher2/ cooked pc folder and play the game. To uninstall just remove the dzip file.

Loose files: place the files under the witcher /2 cooked pc folder, say yes to merge, play the game. To uninstall remove the files.

Price changes can be found in abilities/ geralt_basic_xml under the various group.
If you want to use the loose files and get full effect of the runes I recommend that you also use the weapon stats and the weapon definition files as more weapons with stun chance have been added.