The Witcher 3
How to obtain adaptative armor from ACS mod

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Best results for beating bosses at high level (100) / death march difficulty level

First I have a bug about armor/weapon stats except for resistances % that are a combination between armor pieces (Shades of Iron) and mutagens, using Unique mutagens overhaul

The mods combination I suggest down here will probably make you unstoppable (PIC) and yes,  I'm a huge fan of Gal Gadot^^ ♥♥♥

Carefull, SPOILER/POWER ahead...

The chest of the Toussaint knight + legs, boots and gloves from ACS's adaptive armor : see changelogs to know how to obtain
  • Killing a bruxa will trigger the summoning of the Blade of the Unseen, the vampire assassin.
  • The Blade of the Unseen will hunt for the player, showing himself to the player 5 minutes after the death of the first bruxa killed by the
  • Subsequent bruxa killed will decrease the timer by 150 seconds, with a minimum of a 5 second delay.
  • If the player manages to run away, the Blade will continue its pursuit.
  • The hunt will only be over if the player defeats the Blade of the Unseen, or if the player is killed by him.
  • Summoning and defeating the Blade of the Unseen for the 3rd time in a row within the same game session will cause it to transform into
    Khagmar, Monster of the Unseen.

Killing 9 bruxaes will summon 3 times the blade of the unseen and winning 3 times this vampire will summon Khagmar (very very tough guy with no sense of humor) Witcher Wiki + Tesham_Mutna ruins

/// Things that may help greatly to beat bosses/creatures :

Magic spells
○ Looting Aerondight or better,  the modified Zireael sword (silver) --> here is the sword with a special effect = summoning Ciri (twice on this picture)... this weapon grants you to make micro-jumps like Ciri (kind of dodge), but with less amplitude (but quite helpfull tho).
Ensure to have a good rig when using the sword + graphics effects costs FPS and GPU resources... (= +10°C temperature on my PC...)
Aerondight quick level mod adds a permanent buff to the sword
Quest items equipable magic equipable gear 
Lizard figurine: A magic key to open portals. Will open a portal every 10s and send the nearest enemy into the far air, causing them to fall from the sky. (Will not teleport the same target until next 10s.)
Passive spell : it's very usefull with multiple targets, helps a lot also with single one, except with quest/specific ennemies = everytime you're fightng in a closed area where you can not escape because scripted (Olgierd fight for example if teleported inside the burning house), while your ennemie is teleported outside (out of reach "glitch"), you'll have to either reload a save and unequip the lizard figurine before fighting again, either try to kill the oponent thru walls with a sign (Aard/Magic spells)

Shades of Iron, as it provides many powerfull weapons and armors -->
Advanced combat system mod with a legendary mighty sword you'll loot here :
A special silver version of Zireael that grants the wielder the powers of the Elderblood is dropped from the Xeno Swarm Tyrant.
○ Installing the Essential Weapons Rework mod will buff the the relics stats like Zireael and give you a much better power against adversity

May be I'll post another screenshot about xeno swarms but for now, what you need to know is that the xeno tyrant is a pain in the ass to kill because this S.O.B summons others buddies and the more of them you'll have around you, the more tough he'll be and his health regens... So to beat him, use the same advices as for vampires but with some variants :

  • First install/equip the invisibility cloak mod : I know it's pure cheat but beating the entire swarm is difficult but hey it's your choice after all huh ?
  • Find a xeno swarm (big green eggs), one is near the white orchard but there are some others around the world (care as they repop...) Search for the bigger egg because it's the one of the tyrant.
  • Equip everything, silver weapon, armor, oil for insectoïds, character build, atomic suppositories (if you have any^^), Aard sign at the maximum intensity for example and just walk toward the egg... once your on it, the tyrant pops up. Try to kill him as faster as you can...
  • my recent technic : ensure you have enough magical power (player level + skills/talents, etc...), while unarmed, use igni with Magic spells (double tap magic spell casting key), insectoids do not like fire, then use alternatively the binded parrying key to repulse them, then cast fire again... etc...

Once you've looted the modified Zireael sword, equip it with 3x 100 armor piercing runes

/// Strategy/Tactics for vampires : bruxaes and elders

○ Using the best vampire oil possible and dark blood potion
○ Repairing armor pieces and sword during combat regularly
○ Equiping the other part of the adaptive armor first and eventually lower the difficulty
○ Enchanting every piece of armor with health regen and elemental resistance
○ For the remaining piece (s) of armor slot non occupied by adaptive item, choose one that help balancing stats
○ Use whetstone for sharpening your blade
○ Dodge often and use the Tome of bloodmoon (magic spells) equiped as a trophy to be invincible while dodging
○ While fighting Khagmar, once transforming in a bat swarm, dodge until he recovers a more vulnerable form : I use the ACS combinations keys to dodge/go through ennemies and re-appear automatically behind them (like a bruxa) and only then I strike (maximum strengh Aard and sword), this makes a critical hit in slomo mode that allows time to make more choices/damages (kind of cheat huh ?)

Tome of BloodMoon :
 - Yrden - creates a special trap, which pulls targets to its position.
 - Igni - imbues your sword with the blood flame, can apply bleeding and restore your health at critical attacks.
 - Axii - a life draining attack, heals you, you must be close to an enemy.
 - Aard - restrains targets in front of you, inflicting a bleeding. Can't be used against Wraiths and flying targets.
 - Quen - if you're in a combat, transfers you behind the current target, otherwise turns you into the flying smoke:
  • Hold the "Sprint" key to speed up
  • Hold the "Jump" (Spacebar by default) key to increase the altitude (B/circle for the gamepads)
  • Hold the "Sheathe Sword" (C by default) key to decrease the altitude (X/Square for the gamepads)
  • You can also hold the "Radial Menu" key and use your mouse to change the altitude
  • Use with caution before/during quests, as you may miss event trigger areas
  • Tap the "Cast Spell" key (E by default) to cancel the spell, be sure to find a safe spot for landing
  • if you have the BloodMoon tome equipped in the trophy slot (or this
    particular spell in the Custom Spell Book) you can turn into the Bloodmoon Smoke while jumping, falling or swimming by pressing the Cast Spell Key (E by default)
Modifies your dodge and roll.

○ Once near the monster hit fast several times if you can, chain with Aard and hit again, then dodge again
○ Using slo mo critical mod is also an invaluable asset as it can help you to slow down time while doing critical hits.

/// Bosses looting adaptive pieces : I can be wrong about bosses loot, I don't remember very well...

◘ Volos, Bringer of Chaos  loot : armor
◘ Loviatar, Matron of Decay loot : gloves
◘ Knightmare Eternum loot : boots
◘ Khagmar : legs

/// Cheat/codes : if you're not very patient, you can use the console command to summon creatures (one at a time...) :

◘ spawn('bruxa')
◘ Or if you're really desperate, you can also use God mode to minimize damage

Once the four armor parts are equiped, the helmet pops up automatically, see this screenshot to see what it looks like. Heavy breathing like Sauron in the lord of the ring.

Feel the magic flooding your body...
Feel the power flowing in your witcher veins...