The Witcher 3
Lady of space and time

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Time and Dimension Travel : Ciri has the ability to travel through time and alternate dimensions, making her one of the most powerful characters in the Witcher universe.

Superhuman Strength and Agility
: Ciri's physical abilities have been enhanced by her magic, making her stronger and faster than an average human.

Ciri hasn't undergone any mutations. She trained as a witcher when she was young, but never underwent the mutations, so her swordplay is not bad. She just lacks the superhuman  reflexes, speed and senses that the mutations give witchers.

Ciri is potentially stronger than Geralt. She is the granddaughter of Lara Dorren, a powerful sorceress who was also a carrier of the Elder Blood. Her own blood gives her access to a variety of powerful abilities, including teleportation, enhanced physical strength and speed, and the ability to control fire.