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Bubsy edited by OFG

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About this mod

Geralt texture mod designed by Bubsy but never published.

Permissions and credits
Found a gem in one of posts section from Bubsy's mod Alternate Hair. I simply finished the mod (added some missing textures) made some refinements and produced an end product in 4K quality. I'm assuming these are his assets solely that he just never published. If someone claims textures/assets used herein this may be taken down. Or if Bubsy himself wants it taken down. I did not use other assets to produce the final product. Perhaps operating grey area here but all in good faith. Full credits to the source I received the base textures from and that is BubsyWubbus. He is quite busy nowadays hence I'm eternally grateful for him allowing me to update his E3 2014 Geralt mod. I made and releasing this mod in his honor and name. 

**contains a custom mask for Glowing Witcher Eyes**  simply give higher priority to either mods as you prefer.