About this mod
Reshade for STLM and optional graphic settings beyond Ultra.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Thanks to UltimateImmersion for the video:
Color Correction, removes yellow tint without adding a visible blue (or any color) tint like most other reshades, and much more (see below)

Darker Nights

Better Interiors

2 Stage Bloom and Sharpening

Darker Shadows

Contains the following:
Color correction. Adjustments to contrast, saturation, lutcolor, exposure, gamma and a myriad of other things. Darker dark tones. This has the effect of making nights slightly darker (they are too bright in STLM), as well as darker shadows and interiors. Gets rid of the washed out look by STLM and adds more depth. Also gets rid of yellow tint without adding a visible blue (or any color) tint like most other reshades.
2 Stage Bloom. For midtones, there's a subtle bloom. For bright light, a second, higher intensity bloom activates as well.
Luma Sharpening
Film Grain, though subtle.
DoF. This is off by default. To enable it, open McFX.cfg with a text editor and change the 0 into a 1 in the line : "#define USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 0 //[DOF] //".
Some people don't like DoF so I have it off by default but its subtle compared to other reshades so very playable. If you enable it you can toggle it in game on and off with the "/" key (next to numlock).
Lensflare. This is off by default. To enable it, open GemFX,cfg with a text editor and change the 0 into a 1 in the line: "#define USE_GAUSSIAN_ANAMFLARE 0"
It works well for certain areas but not others (like bright snow in Skellige) so i have it off by default.
The "scroll lock" key will toggle the Reshade on and off.
Optional Graphics Menu Extreme Settings Tier
In the optional section, I've included my rendering.xml file. This adds a tier beyond Ultra in your graphics menu called Extreme. It does not change any of the settings for the lower tiers (low, normal, high, ultra), just adds a tier beyond ultra for those with a rig that handle it.
Check out the grass density and foliage distance with both settings on Extreme:

You can also add the following to your user.settings file to force the game to load better textures:
Make sure to calibrate your monitor. Use this guide as a quick test.
Recommended post processing settings
Everything on except for Chromatic Abbreation and Vignetting. Sharpening on low. Gamma at 1 (default).
Install STLM
Extract and copy the contents (reshade folder, plus 4 other files) into your x64 folder (where your Witcher 3 executable is located, should be ...The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt/Bin/x64) like all other reshades. Already includes reshade 1.10.
To install the optional extreme settings rendering file, just extract and copy it into your Bin folder. Or more specifically, copy the rendering.xml file to bin/config/r4game/user_config_matrix/pc. You can make a backup of your rendering.xml file in case you want to revert to vanilla but there's really no need to as my file does not change any of the lower tier settings.
CooliSushi for his color correction that I used as a base to start with as well as his awesome advice. His Fantasy Reshade is one of the best, check it out.
My Other Mods:
Set Bonuses For All Tiers of NGP Witcher Gear
Unofficial AMM Retextures
Witcher Sets Redone
New Runestones and Tweaks
Thanks to Jarraxx for the awesome screen shots below