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Steam - Grubbs008 - CPBK-Grubbs008 - EA Origin - Nubbs008 - Uplay

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About this mod

My own personal (New Game start and New Game plus start And Main Quests done MQ+ B&W Done save files for 1.31 - 4.0 Next Gen. *Requires all downloadable DLC*. STEAM Version

7 Files

Permissions and credits
My own personal save file for 1.31 - 4.0 Next Gen Requires all downloadable DLC

Made by Request

For Next Gen, Some Trophies on some of the saves may be unmovable/undroppable or un-sellable, this is a in game bug as it never happened in 1.3.1-.1.3.2. This will render monster hunts for the specific creature undo-able, and the quest will not be able to be completed. 



Please PM me if you are experiencing problems.

Don't forget to endorse or rate up if you enjoyed the save file(s)!

**Warning on saves with all schematics, you may not be able to complete certain treasure hunts or treasure hunt quests, as you ALREADY have all of them and it could cause the items not to be in the specified chest or location those saves are for people who don't care about or want to do the hunts. The New game plus save will not have this issue.**

Added Missing Raffards Decoction and Northern Wind diagrams (Should be the last of them) Save #1

Added more Save Files

*Added ALL relic Armor and Swords as these weapons are hard to find, but some people using the first save may still want to
find them themselves. To Save #3, (Level 100)*

*Added Dyes + Solution and Remover As well as missing trophies. Both Saves*

**Don't Use NMM Download.**

*Will NOT disable steam achievements*

(All saves have simulate NOT on, meaning you will be asked questions about
Witcher 2 and create your own story when you get to the Emperor.)

For a great Witcher 2 save and how to put it into your Witcher 3 game visit ceejay1223's page

Save # 1

*Legit* Only all Base Game and Grandmaster Diagrams have been added, There are no DLC diagrams for armor or weapons, so those were not added.

This is for people who wanted a Fresh Jump into the game, but with the means to make what they wanted if they had the correct materials. No Gold or Materials added. All base game non unique Bestiary notes unlocked and Characters.

Imported Witcher 2 save file used was: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher2/mods/749/?

Items Added:
All Diagrams (Everything) Including Dyes
Solution for Dyes, as they can't be gotten until later
Horn of Plenty (DLC Reward Item) Gives unlimited food
Bottomless Carafe (DLC Reward Item) Gives Unlimited Hard Alcohol for alchemy

No money
No Armor
No Skills
No Levels (Still Level 1)

Death March Difficulty
Save # 2

**Less Cheap** New game Deathmarch Difficulty (can be changed in-game) Made for people who wanted the achievement  (Regular Save, not new game plus) Level 1, same-ish as below main file but Level 1 with no skills or exp touched and *on a regular not new game plus mode.* No quests or Random Encounters touched.

Save # 3 (Author's Choice)

**Maxed** New game Deathmarch Difficulty (can be changed in-game) Made for people who wanted the achievement  (Regular Save,  not new game plus) Level 100, Same-ish as below main file but Level 100 and skills are all maxed, *on a regular not new game plus mode.* No quests or Random Encounters touched.

(Note: You will be unable to complete "mostly" all treasure hunts that pertain to the same Witcher gear sets found in your stash This is not a bug, but a feature in the game, if you already have the gear, why would it work? or why would you want it? Right? Good. If this is a problem for you, please download save #1.)

Save # 4

Level 100 --- All Quests Done, Normal and DLC HoS and B&W, Lots of Gear and Materials, Some Gold, Perfect for new game plus.

Recommend playing on Sword and Story or lower as level 100 + NG+, + Deathmarch can make even the strongest men/women cry as all creatures and quests are well above 100.

*All Skills have been acquired through console as well as B&W Mutagen DLC, for maximum customization.*

3 Treasure Hunt Quests, can not be completed as i already have the diagrams, just ignore them, something must have gone array during game play.

Recommend W2 Save:

W2 Save at: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher2/mods/749/?

Save # 5

New game, Main Quests Done, Blood and Wine Done - Good Guy (On Sword and Story Difficulty)

(Hearts of Stone Ready)

I did B&W first because HoS isnt involved in it in anyway so it did not matter.

**If you want a save with HoS and the Main quest done BEFORE Blood and Wine go here**  http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1528/?

Similar to save #5 but not new game plus

Choices Made

In Toussaint

Knights all Helped
All Side Quests Completed
Few Bandit Camps Remain
All Armors Aquired (Grandmaster Armor Quest still active, but All GM gear is in your stash anyways)
Both Anna and Syanna are both alive ( Happy Ending)
Saved Right after meeting/Talking with Yenn at Corvo Bianco.

In Velen
Same as Save # 5

Save # 6

New game, MAIN QUESTS DONE  -- Ready for DLC expansions! - Good Helper Guy save ( On Blood and Broken Bones difficulty)

Similar to save #6 but not new game plus.

Choices Made

- From W1 and W2: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher2/mods/749/? 
- Took Ciri to Emhyr
- Every time supported her (she becomes an empress at the end)
- Rejected Triss, stayed with Yen 
- Gave Keira Alexander's notes
- Killed Radovid, & killed Dijkstra
- Didn't take money from Emhyr, got Black Stallion roach
- Everyone helped in fighting the Wild Hunt at Kaer Morhen
- Killed spirit caged in the heart of tree
- Helped Triss and the mages escape

Save # 7

*New game Plus Save*:

**Not on Death March Difficulty, only the normal New Game saves are***

Starting-ish save. still on the quest "Lilac and Gooseberries" (the very first Main Quest) in White Orchard, all bandit hideouts/liberation's/chests found and done except the below scavenger quests.(In White Orchard Only) No other area has been touched.

Has Most NG+ Witcher Armor sets and weapons (Grandmaster Legendary), as well as all to most relic armor and weapons/horse gear.

Should have mostly all recipes, bombs, oils and potions etc. ( Does not have Grandmaster diagrams as they are quest oriented *but armor is in stash*)

Has Most unique DLC (both) gear and items as well as the multiple end DLC quest rewards. (Mostly everything is located in your STASH)

Maxed out stats/skills as well as B&W mutagen with extra skills all have been unlocked, Level 100.

All Gwent cards have been reset, this is for people who still need or want the achievement. *New game plus only save*

You may ask why level 100? Well Lvl 100 is the absolute maximum level, and all monsters are scaled in NG+ to be your level plus 7-9. So All enimies are roughly 97-110. This adds challenge, If you don't want challenge keep the difficulty on the lowest and use the Grandmaster armor.. You should have no problem killing with everything unlocked. **ALSO** Level 100 makes some gear scale. There is also a mod that makes relic and witcher armor scale too, but this may be overkill for some people. For best results, use with  "Scale all gear" mod and "Lower Guard level" mod. It lowers their level by 7 of yours so they are not level 120.

I made this save, because i was tired of the saved games i seen, that are "Ready for NG+ or NG+ level 35 with awful stats and builds with next to no money or equipment" Or Then you start NG+ from regular and you have nothing.. no diagrams, stash nothing.. Yay... So i made this for people that wanted to start NG+ and wanted to have basically everything unlocked and maxed as well as all to most items and gear whilst still being on the first actual main quest.

(Updated 1/25/17)

*** Added 30-60 of Every Crafting Item, Herbs, Greater Mutagens (R,G,B) and Greater Runes and Glyphs) Weight has been
adjusted very minorly for more lenient and less pain in the arse game play. ***

Remove Item Level
Leveling Witcher Gear and Relic Gear

Also if you play it, check out my very own save files for
Vampyr HERE
Mad Max HERE
Mass Effect Andromeda HERE
Kingdom Come Deliverance HERE
Divinity Original Sin 2 HERE
Red Dead Redemption 2 HERE

This Save-Game mod is made by Grubbs008 and is ONLY allowed to be uploaded by Grubbs008 on Nexusmods unless stated otherwise.
If you find it elsewhere, IT'S STOLEN.
You are not allowed to change my saved game and upload it as your own.

Save # 4