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Created by

Ogg Pogg and Rogg

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About this mod

Troll Rocks got, no Mods Troll gotnot. Soldierman shield no good. Lie down Soldierman. Troll Shields like. Fine Shieldses Redniaman Shield, Velen Soldierman shield. Shields Humanses Scoutbro no speak Troll not. Ogg Rogg and Pogg Troll translatemake Shields Mod Rock. Trolls shields keep, Soldiermans go.

Permissions and credits
Troll Rocks got, no Mods Troll gotnot.
Soldierman shield no good. Lie down Soldierman.

Troll Shields like. Fine Shieldses Redniaman Shield, Velen Soldierman shield. More Shieldsgot than Rocksgot.

Shields Humanses Scoutbro no speak Troll not. Other many RocksMods many Humanses speak, no Trollolo Shieldsmod. Many translateMods new. Not many Trollsmods. Sad Ogg, Pogg and Rogg, sad Trolls.

Ogg Rogg and Pogg Troll translatemake Shields Mod Rock. Trolls shields keep, Soldiermans go.

Trollystrings, shieldy strings scoutbrostrings. Trollystrings unzipfile - shieldystrings away, trollystrings onefile put in shieldystringsplace. Like in soupthrow. Shieldystrings bleh away, trollystrings like humansoupgood! Humanses understand?