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  1. portgasDace08
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Possibility to integrate xbow bolts sellable?

    EDIT: Wrong thread.
  2. BULLDOG00036
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello can anyone help ?

    Installing this on wither 3 mod manager and i'm getting script errors :

    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\quests\ Could not find function 'ManageItemsTag'
    Error [content0]game\quests\ Could not find function 'ManageItemsTag'
    Error [content0]game\quests\ Could not find function 'ManageItemsTag'
    Error [content0]game\quests\ Could not find function 'ManageSingletonItemsBonus'
    Error [content0]game\ Could not find function 'GetOilsAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\alchemy\ Could not find function 'GetUnusedMutagensCount'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\alchemy\ Could not find function 'RemoveUnusedMutagensCount'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\damage\ Could not find function 'ItemHasAnyActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\damage\ Could not find function 'ItemHasActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\damage\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\damage\ Could not find function 'GetOilsAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\damage\ Could not find function 'ItemHasActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSwordEntity'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\ Could not find function 'GetOilsAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Function 'IsItemColored' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Function 'GetItemColor' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'ItemHasAnyActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsItemDye'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsItemUsable'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsItemDye'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsItemDye'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsItemUsable'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsQuickSlotItem'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsItemArmorReapairKit'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'IsItemWeaponReapairKit'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'GetOldestOilAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gui\_old\components\ Could not find function 'GetOldestOilAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gui\data\ Could not find function 'BuyIngredient'
    Error [content0]game\gui\data\ Could not find function 'handleMoveToStashQuantity'
    Error [content0]game\npc\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetOilsAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetNewestOilAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetOilsAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'RemoveAllOilsFromItem'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetActiveOilsAppliedOnItemCount'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'RemoveOldestOilFromItem'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'ItemHasAnyActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetOilsAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'ItemHasActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'IsItemColored' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'GetItemColor' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'ColorItem' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'RemoveOldestOilFromItem'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'ItemHasActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetMutationResearchPoints'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetMutationResearchPoints'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetMutationResearchPoints'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\player\ Function 'SplitItem' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\containers\ Could not find function 'IsItemJunk'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\containers\ Could not find function 'IsItemDye'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\containers\ Could not find function 'IsItemAlchemyIngredient'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\containers\ Could not find function 'IsItemCraftingIngredient'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\interactive\ Could not find function 'GetHasValidDecorationItems'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\interactive\ Could not find function 'GetHasValidDecorationItems'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\interactive\ Could not find function 'GetHasValidDecorationItems'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\swords\ Could not find function 'GetNewestOilAppliedOnItem'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\components\ Could not find function 'GetOilAppliedOnSword'
    Error [content0]game\vehicles\horse\ Function 'GetCategoryDefaultItem' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Could not find function 'IsItemDye'
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Function 'GetItemColor' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Function 'SetPreviewColor' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Function 'ClearPreviewColor' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Function 'ClearPreviewColor' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Function 'IsItemColored' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Function 'GetItemColor' does not take 1 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Could not find function 'ItemHasAnyActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\gui\ Could not find function 'GetNewestOilAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\actions\ Could not find function 'ItemHasActiveOilApplied'
    Error [content0]game\quests\conditions\ Function 'GetItemQuantityByName' does not take 3 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\quests\conditions\ Function 'GetItemQuantityByCategory' does not take 3 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\quests\conditions\ Function 'GetItemQuantityByTag' does not take 3 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\quests\conditions\ Function 'GetAllItemsQuantity' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetFirstUnusedMutagenByName'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetUnusedMutagensCount'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetUnusedMutagensCount'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetUnusedMutagensCount'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetOldestOilAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\glossary\ Could not find function 'GetBookTextByName'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetUnusedMutagensCount'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetAlchemyFiltters'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'SetAlchemyFiltters'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetCraftingFilters'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'SetCraftingFilters'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetIsPlayerMeditatingInBed'
    Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetOldestOilAppliedOnItem'
    Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'GetHasValidDecorationItems'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Function 'SetItemStackable' does not take 2 param(s)
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Could not find function 'GetMutationResearchPoints'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Could not find function 'GetMutationResearchPoints'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Could not find function 'GetMutationResearchPoints'
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Could not find function 'RemoveUnusedMutagensCountById'
    Error [content0]game\quests\tutorialmanager\uitutorials\ Could not find function 'IsInShop'
    Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'
    Error [content0]game\behavior_tree\tasks\ Could not find function 'GetCurrentlyHeldSword'

    Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
    Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
    Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
    1. hianick
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      bro, spoiler that stuff so it doesnt take up an entire page wtf.
  3. JRdude1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I miss the enhanced stash functions this mod and extended stash both offered. Specifically I miss sticking old quest items away in the stash. Maybe Janiskeisari would be willing to replicate those functions in a separate mod?
  4. Aelius28
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    The "show real prices" and "show new crafting recipes with a star" features have been added to the Friendly HUD mod, with this mod author's (Janiskeisari's) permission.
  5. Janiskeisari
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Just a quick announcement: I have had way too much things to in my hand for the last few months and I know this mod is currently somewhat not ready and has some broken features.

    I just learned that CDPR has completely redesigned the menus in Blood & Wine, so if you are planning to getting the DLC (as I am), this mod will no longer be supported with it. I do not know if the new UI is available for those without Blood & Wine, but hopefully it is and I can drop this mod altogether.
    1. Krazytrixxxsta
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The new UI is part of the latest patch. People without Blood and Wine will still receive it.
  6. slieks
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    If this mod not available any more, maybe someone know where to find similar mod of this option? "New recipes are shown with a star"
  7. SEED3733
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Great Mod ! it would be best with some info like "Already have item in inventory"
  8. hugser
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod but since i use the enhancement system mod too i cannot make them work together. I know some of this is included on the TES but not the secondary stats comparison colors, and i cant merge both because it originate a script error.
    hope u can help
  9. kallas_br
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    It is compatible with the extended HUD, too?
    1. uranhat
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Don't know.. Try to install both and use script merger...
  10. Poxle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not sure you still look at this but I get

    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\_old\components\ Unknown base class 'W3GuiBaseInventoryComponent'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'CR4ListBaseMenu'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'CR4MenuBase'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'ConfirmationPopupData'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'ConfirmationPopupData'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'ConfirmationPopupData'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'CR4MenuBase'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'CR4ListBaseMenu'
    Error [modenhancedmenus]game\gui\menus\ Unknown base class 'CR4MenuBase'

    when I use only your mod, is my game broken or do I have to do something else to get it to work.
    I removed the [HACK] folder as some where it said that breaks mods.
    I tried script fix mods but they do not work.
    Would really like to use your mod as it is the only think I really want to add to the game.
    1. uranhat
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      What version of the game are you on?
      This works only for version 1.12.x