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svaalbard aka insane0hflex

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About this mod

Tired of Witcher 3 combat? Sick of annoying ghouls? Kill them in one shot with Igni with this mod. Multiplies the damage from Igni by 100x. Usually oneshots most monsters.

Permissions and credits
Stupid Strong 100x Igni Damage Modifier Buff

Tired of Witcher 3 combat? Sick of annoying ghouls? Tired of dog packs? Kill them in one shot with Igni with this mod. Multiplies the damage from Igni by 100x. Usually oneshots most monsters.

(I'm REALLY sick of fighting ghouls and Sp0okY spiders, so thats the main purpose of this mod. Just one shot 'em. Don't use igni on more serious fights unless you want to cheese).

You can modify the damage multiplier by going to the <your witcher 3 dir\mods\modStupidStrongIgni\content\scripts\game\gameParams.ws

And by editing the value for IGNI_SPELL_POWER_MILT. Should be lines 170 or so

public const var IGNI_SPELL_POWER_MILT : float;
defaultIGNI_SPELL_POWER_MILT = 100.0f; //default was 1.0f

As an aside - why the hell is it named MILT? Spelling mistake?