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What choices would Book Accurate Geralt make? This Walkthrough is dedicated to the amazing short stories & Witcher saga that brought Geralt of Rivia to life with some amazing mods!

1 comment

  1. nicksalz86
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Good day friend I love your book friendly mods and I have a question for you, recently a mod author deleted a mod in which it could make it so you could use more mods so I have had to cut down on the ones I use but I was wondering if you could recommend a mod that could fix this problem. I would be really grateful! That being said and asked I hope you have great day and good luck on the path! 
    1. LordologyYT
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      G'day brother, I appreciate the kind words and are you referring to the Mod Limit Fix Mod limit fix at The Witcher 3 Nexus - Mods and community it can be found from that link and if you're using vortex mod manager it should automate the Mod Limit Fix for you, also the Next Gen version of Witcher 3 should already have the Mod Limit fix integrated into it, but for Old Gen you will need it if your using a lot of mods.

      I personally prefer modding on Old Gen because it's much more flexible and you get access to mods like Blitz FX which has way better FX then Next Gen in my opinion at least, if you have any other issues feel free to let me know and I'll help out in any way I can, have a good one bro & good luck on the path!