X Rebirth Nexus Launched

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X Rebirth, the next iteration in Egosoft’s popular space pew pew series, came out on Friday. The X series has always been highly moddable and I’ve always been a big fan of it (indeed, I helped a friend to maintain a fansite for X2, X2 Source, for several years back in 2004-2006). I’ve had a lot of people ask me if I’d be willing to run a Nexus site for the game and while I know many of the modders in the community are quite set in their ways in using the official Egosoft forums there’s no reason why both cannot be used. A Nexus site to host the files and the official forums for publicising and critical feedback would synergise quite well, to be fair, much like the synergy between the Elder Scrolls/Fallout games, Nexus and the official Bethesda forums. We’re not mutually exclusive.

With that said I’m happy to announce the launch of X Rebirth Nexus. I will be monitoring the community closely over the coming weeks to assess how things are progressing and whether there’s any demand (or possibility) to integrate the game into NMM. In the meantime I hope people are enjoying the game.


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  1. Nexusmonster
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos

    I'm wondering if I'll ever dock this ship( the Skunk) No matter how I try I get stuck at the first attempt in the badlands. Makes me want to give up. I managed to load my first mod and that works fine. But to simply put this thing down has beat me. Maybe I'll wait a few months and see if either I improve or things get a little easier. To be honest I feel like so many other reports I have read. Just disappointed. Oh well back to TC and Skyrim.


    what do you mean ? where are you getting stuck at ?
  2. Cyborg3201
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  3. scrapwood
    • supporter
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    I'm wondering if I'll ever dock this ship( the Skunk) No matter how I try I get stuck at the first attempt in the badlands. Makes me want to give up. I managed to load my first mod and that works fine. But to simply put this thing down has beat me. Maybe I'll wait a few months and see if either I improve or things get a little easier. To be honest I feel like so many other reports I have read. Just disappointed. Oh well back to TC and Skyrim.
  4. ChuckFlash
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I am Happy to see Nexus giving some MOD Support for X Rebirth,
    the Community Deserves this, And i want to say Thank You Nexus (Dark0ne).
    Please Add NMM for this Game.
    I would also like to ask that you Consider Adding the X-3 series of Games, also with NMM support.
    That Said:  X-Rebirth should be renamed X-Miscarraige
    I enjoyed playing X-AP with MODS that helped to smooth over some of the Micro Nit Picking needed.
    Without MODS these Games would become BookEnds on the Shelf.
    I had hoped to find a more friendly experience with Rebirth, With Better Menus and ways to Control even the Deepest aspect of the game.

    But sorry to say NO Such Luck, this time around is like sitting in a Dentist Chair waiting for the Drill.
    A real case of One Step Forward an Three Steps Back.

    I can not understand how any Game Company can Completely Ignore and or Misunderstand their Customer Base.
    Because it is apparent that they threw the PC Gamers to the wolves and Jumped in with the Console Gang.
    And inso doing, threw a Gigantic Monkey Wrench into the Playability and Enjoyment of the Game.

    Most notable is how they Completely disregarded the Forum and MOD Community, who have given suggestions,
    feedback, and offers to improve their GUI, Hot-Keys, Menus, and other Complex Cluster Blobs, for over 7 years.
    And Now as an answer to the Mod Community they have made it impossible to remove a mod without breaking your Save.
    But i have to give them Credit for the Great Snow Job done on the Mod Community regarding their SUPPORT !!
    The Reality is that without the MOD and FAN Community they would have gone the way of the DODO Bird long ago.

  5. Thomas_hx
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    In response to post #10295748.

    they are I have played modded X games since X2 the threat

    The whole Bonuspack are build out of Mods, that get signed so that they won't give you a Moddified, and trust me you will not like Playing without them.
  6. MooseUpNorth
    • premium
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    It's a great thing to have a site for X Rebirth. One of the biggest problems with modding in the X series is the massively unreliable 3rd party hosting for mods. I suspect the forums will be happy to link here.
  7. Thor.
    • BANNED
    • 63 kudos
    I was Hesitant to buy this game with the reviews, Now since its moddable, i might check it out, though i wish the whole series was moddable.
    X reunion and so on.
    1. jeremywm
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      they are I have played modded X games since X2 the threat
  8. copperzinc
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    I came here to say "thank you, admin!"
    I have been on the site for about a year, but this caused me to purchase the lifetime premium membership
    Hopefully Nexus can give "X" a new "Rebirth"
  9. Q3671
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Great news!!! Nexus X Rebirth   
  10. Shamanzs23
    • premium
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    Thank you so much I voted for this in the forums, it's so good to so I can't be dissapointed with you guys.