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Top 30 Files in past two weeks:
0_8_5_Kriegstreibers Max Zoomout 4x Sniper Zoom
This Mod allows you 250m zoom out in normal sight, 250m in Arty sight and 4 zoom steps in sniper mode (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x).
- 45KB
- 234
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10_8_5_Kriegstreibers Max Zoomout 4x Sniper Zoom
This Mod allows you 250m zoom out in normal sight, 250m in Arty sight and 4 zoom steps in sniper mode (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x).
Girls Und Panzer Black Forest Grille
Black forest themed grille from GuP Enjoy! Extract folder into *game folder*/res_mods/*game version*/vehicles/german
- 2.4MB
- 5
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2Girls Und Panzer Black Forest Grille
Black forest themed grille from GuP Enjoy! Extract folder into *game folder*/res_mods/*game version*/vehicles/german
An AMX 13/90 in United Nations White
High resolution aerial photograph minimaps worth increasing the minimap viewsize for.
Centurion Mk. 7/1
A KV-5 with graffiti art on it.
0_8_5---Kriegstreibers XVM Setting -PNG STYLE-
Dieses Setting ist ein erweitertes Setting meiner XVM Konfiguration. Hier werden viele Sachen durch PNG Icons ersetzt. Kompatibel mit World of Tanks v0.8.3. English Users, please use a translation Tool for reading discription/changelog.
- 55.7MB
- 131
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70_8_5---Kriegstreibers XVM Setting -PNG STYLE-
Dieses Setting ist ein erweitertes Setting meiner XVM Konfiguration. Hier werden viele Sachen durch PNG Icons ersetzt. Kompatibel mit World of Tanks v0.8.3. English Users, please use a translation Tool for reading discription/changelog.
0_8_8_Kriegstreibers Historical Flags Mod
Changes the german and china flag in a historical correct one. Big thanks to Lahn266, who created the china tank turret emblem ! Also uses stuff from Atze77 (thx) and FredTMK (thx).
- 14.1MB
- 150
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80_8_8_Kriegstreibers Historical Flags Mod
Changes the german and china flag in a historical correct one. Big thanks to Lahn266, who created the china tank turret emblem ! Also uses stuff from Atze77 (thx) and FredTMK (thx).
E-75 in lead stained colours.
Hetzer Steppe type2 camo skin.
T-34- 85 - Syrian 44th Armored Brigade 1967
Historical Six Day War period Syrian T-34-85 skin.
- 1.5MB
- 8
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11T-34- 85 - Syrian 44th Armored Brigade 1967
Historical Six Day War period Syrian T-34-85 skin.
E-50 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 - Purple Sisters
E-50 skin based on Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 NMM COMPATIBLE!
- 3.0MB
- 17
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12E-50 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 - Purple Sisters
E-50 skin based on Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 NMM COMPATIBLE!
Girls und Panzer - Panzer 38nA Golden Version
A Pz38 nA version of the infamous golden Pz38t from Girls und Panzer.
- 2.5MB
- 22
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13Girls und Panzer - Panzer 38nA Golden Version
A Pz38 nA version of the infamous golden Pz38t from Girls und Panzer.
M4A3E8 Sherman - Polish Armored Division
M4A3E8 Sherman, Polish Armored Division, Italy 1944
- 3.2MB
- 11
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14M4A3E8 Sherman - Polish Armored Division
M4A3E8 Sherman, Polish Armored Division, Italy 1944
Complete overhaul for every texture ingame. (Tank/world textures, normal/shine maps...)
- 1.5GB
- 414
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15Complete overhaul for every texture ingame. (Tank/world textures, normal/shine maps...)
Flandre Scarlet skin for the KV-2
KV 3 - Valkyria Chronicles Imperial
Skin matching the game Valkyria Chronicles.
Open World Hangars in three different biomes.
BakaKonekos Command and Conquer Hangars
GDI & Nod Hangars designed for use with Arsaneus\' C&C Project. Allied & Soviet Hangars coming soon!
- 5.0MB
- 17
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19BakaKonekos Command and Conquer Hangars
GDI & Nod Hangars designed for use with Arsaneus\' C&C Project. Allied & Soviet Hangars coming soon!
Remodel Type 59 - United Nations Type 59D
A Type 59 remodeled into the Type 59D. in UN colors. Remodel by foxdie_01 and Kyphe of EU and NA Forums
- 18.1MB
- 9
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20Remodel Type 59 - United Nations Type 59D
A Type 59 remodeled into the Type 59D. in UN colors. Remodel by foxdie_01 and Kyphe of EU and NA Forums
Stug III Macross Frontier
v810 is Out some fixes and a brand New SPG Version Color Blind version updated Added
Type 59 Made in China
This audio mod replaces most ingame sounds with taunts and announcer sounds from the Unreal Tournament series.
- 9.5MB
- 33
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24This audio mod replaces most ingame sounds with taunts and announcer sounds from the Unreal Tournament series.
A rusted SU-122-54 based on Alexandr Miheev\'s Braille Scale Monthly Competition entry for March 2011. FOR UPDATE 8.0+ ONLY!
- 3.0MB
- 2
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25A rusted SU-122-54 based on Alexandr Miheev\'s Braille Scale Monthly Competition entry for March 2011. FOR UPDATE 8.0+ ONLY!
PzKpfw VI Tiger - Ochre Yellow
PzKpfw VI Tiger in Ochre Yellow
Winter Mod is a global modification for World of Tanks that adds winter and the holiday spirit into the game.
- 3.1GB
- 35
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27Winter Mod is a global modification for World of Tanks that adds winter and the holiday spirit into the game.
PzKpfwVI Tiger II - Heavy Swamp Camo
PzKpfwVI Tiger II in swamp camo
Prevents the startup video from playing and sends you directly to the login screen.
Athenas All Female Anime Crew Mod
Changes your crew to all female, including names and voices....
- 69.1MB
- 295
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30Athenas All Female Anime Crew Mod
Changes your crew to all female, including names and voices....