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About this mod

A mod that mainly removes the hat Phoebe wears, then gives her sexy white stockings/underwear, little color tweakings here and there but above all a significant head width reduction!

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     "Today you were early for your appointment at the white rabbit hole. After a long wait, a round package suddenly rolls between your feet!"

     It's not in my habits but this mod does not change her original color palette. Honestly I did some tests but ended up giving up on this risky decision since this time I thought it could bring a big lore-immersion breaking while playing. But if you don't agree don't worry much, I'm sure a lot of Phoebe mods will drop in the next weeks with the usual dark, evil, pink, purple and all! I just didn't want to do that for mine.

     I don't know if it's the case for you be to be frank I don't like hats on video game or manga protagonists, especially when it obstructs a chunk of your character while playing. So just like my "no mask" Sanhua mod, I decided to remove it the best I could for the sake of those who share my tastes. But don't get me wrong, the mod isn't just about that! I stay around vanilla's overall design, I still had to work around 3 days (11hr) to get to this result. Mainly because the hair area below her hat was quite tedious and unfunny to restore…

     This character has also been very popular even before its release for her "squashed muffin" head shape. And even with my best intentions, I can't seem to enjoy that particular aspect of Phoebe (You're absolutely allowed to love it, it's just not my cup of tea). So I also worked a lot to give her a more "rational" head proportion that fit a thin canon woman of her age and height. This is the change I'm the most proud of, as it was real hard to overcome without bugs. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!

  • 3d model edit : Her hat was removed (obviously!)
  • 3d model edit : 5 small hairlocks position and shape have been carefully altered for better result
  • 3d model edit : Her head was significantly reduced in width, top of her skull is less flat
  • 3d model edit : All nearby accessories were modified accordingly to prevent any animation glitch/bug
  • 3d model edit : The thorn crown has been retained from her hat, moved and resized around her head

  • A heavy restoration work was done on the hair area previously under her hat for light, shadows and tones (hardest work of this mod)
  • The thorn crown she now has around the head is now gold metallic
  • A heavy work was carried out to design white/pink sexy panties and white stockings
  • An upper area on her belly/back and rear part was turned into bare skin for even more sexiness
  • Her headband has been turned to black color
  • Her skirt belt has been turned to black color
  • Her shoes have a little more harmonious color distribution with black color backings

     Update of the 18/Feb/2025 : Addition of a floating thorn halo Phoebe. I am not the original genius who thought about this brilliant idea. It originally comes from Ceeji with her own Phoebe mod. She allowed me to mimic it my own way so please give her some hugs on my behalf! I take this opportunity to make you notice we always have to be fair and respectful when it comes to borrowing another creator work, even if it's about simple ideas or concepts sometimes. That implicit code is what will make us last in the end of the day. So keep in mind : if it's not for your personal use, you always need to get a green light first before releasing your own version of another mod.

     Like what I make? Stay tuned over here if you haven't sub to my Patreon yet! And don't panic you can choose a forever free option that will give you all the basic content, alternative/toggleable mod versions and fresh news. Remember, cheering and supporting me is one crucial task if you want the rabbit hole to keep producing more packages!