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About this mod

More cargo space for all Trader ships.
2-3x for S class, 5x for M class, 6x for L class, 7+x for XL class,
İncludes all 5 DLC, XR Ship Pack mod, Ship Variation Expansion Mod,

Permissions and credits
This small mod changes cargo space values for all Trader ships.2-3x for S class, 5x for M class, 6x for L class, 7+x for XL class, İncludes all 5 DLC,  XR Ship Pack mod, Ship Variation Expansion Mod,

I didnt checked SVE and XR Shippack mods latest versions for new traders so let me know if a trader has a lower cargo than it supposed to.

I added another mod to optional files its cargo mass reduction mod , reduces cargo mass so ship can move much better with full cargo

Latest build for v7.x

My Other mods that goes well with this mod at v7.00 game version

3xProductionCycleSpeed https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/834
cargo mass reduction https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/837
cargo drones cargo space 5x https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1081
10x station storages https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1080
mining zone replenish time reduction https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/857