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About this mod

A ship and combat tweak for X4 Star Wars Interworlds 0.6+. 10x higher ship top speed, no travel drive, 4x longer range weaponry, and increased draw distance. Easy to edit for player preference.

Permissions and credits
Requires X4 Star Wars Interworlds: and all its requirements.

Ship Changes:

- Ship top speed 10x higher than vanilla, 8x higher in reverse, and travel removed on all ships.
- Added version for no boost and a version with vanilla ship travel and speed.
- Small and medium ships get 5x faster strafe top speed and 2x stronger strafe thrust.
- S and M ships gain 1x to 2x mass; L and XL ships gain 3x to 8x mass.
- Boarding pods gain 3x higher top speed. (standalone version:
- Shield regen rate 2x slower overall. (If vanilla shield regen is desired, delete SurfaceElements folder)
- S and M ships gain 1x - 3x longer boost, L/XL/XXL ships gain 1.1x - 1.8x longer boost.
- Some combat L and XL ships gain 5km - 10km increased radar range.

Optional 3rd Party Ships that are supported:

- Dreadnaughts and Battlecruisers for SWI
- Reaper's Ship Pack for SWI
- K-SHIN's Impellor and Compeller on the SWI Discord.
- Heroes for SWI by Aurelinoctis
- Active Sith mod hosted on the SWI Discord.
- SWI Nathans Katanas by Nathan

Weapon Changes:

- Small weapon projectile velocity increased 3.2x.
- Medium/Large weapon projectile lifetime increased 2x and projectile speed increased 2x.
- Missile projectile speed increased 10x, but missile mass is 4x higher for slower start. Missile lifetime 5x shorter.
- Overall turret damage is doubled with some exceptions.
- Mandalorian weapons do less shield-piercing damage but deals extra damage overall.
- Prow weapons gain a range buff: 25% for small, 30% for medium, and 40% for large.
- Immobilizer Cruiser's gravity well generator will act as a heavy tractor beam.

Other Changes:

- Draw Distance increased to enable long range combat. XL ships, L ships, and stations are rendered further away.
Original mod made by Mr.Freud, thank you for letting me use this:
- Docking bay speed limit increased to 750 m/s for fast AI docking.
- Volumetric fog removed for lower CPU load.
- Fixed slow docking behavior with hotfix! Thank you General Vash/Rumble16 for making Slow Docking to Ships Mod and letting me include it. Original mod:
- Vortex background is dark.



0.1: Release!
0.2. L-s7.2's weapon range fixed.
M ship radar range increased from 40km to 50km; L from 50km to 60km, and XL from 50km to 72km.
Shield regen rate 3x slower overall.
0.21: L ship draw distance increased to match XL draw distance.
0.3: Gozant-class transport fixed. BFF-1 bulk freighter mass halved. Y-wing BTA-NR2 mass fixed.
Lambda-class, Theta-class, U-wing, Fortitude, AEG-77-T, Class VI Bulk Freighter, J-type 327,
Heraklon Ore Miner, Berea Mining Shuttle, Crusader, Firespray, B-wing, Praetorian, and TUG-b13 gain an additonal 2x mass.
0.31: Added support for 0.62. Countermeasures get set back to default lifetime.
0.32: U-wing and TIE Shuttle gain 2x more mass.
0.33: Added support for Xenon and Kha'ak units.
0.34: Fixed XV1 laser range.
0.35: Added a version with Boost added back. Doubled missile lifetime.
0.36: G9 light freighter loses mass. Spacesuits gain 10x speed.
0.40: Fang, A-Wing, Tri-Droid, Eta-2, and Delta-7B gain 15% more mass. Quad Jumper and Xenon small ships gain 2x mass.
0.41: L and XL ships have 3x longer Boost. Large Asteroid draw distance lowered from default 450km to 30km for large performance boost.
0.42: Boost rework: S ships have 2x longer boost, M ships have 3x longer boost, L ships have 3x longer boost, and XL ships have 4x longer boost.
0.43: Shield regeneration rate halved further.
0.44: Removed fog in all SWI sectors for performance gain.
0.45: Added fog back into Vortex.
0.46: Removed 77 Nebulas in SWI NOT containing Resources.
0.47: Added nebula fog back into Yaga Minor.
0.48: Added support for 0.65. Halved missile speed, doubled missile lifetime.
0.49: Fixed Arrestor Tractor Beam range.
0.50: Increased draw distance for medium and large ships. Fixed some specific LOD pop-in issues. Vortex fog removed since it is a combat zone.
Integrated Better Docking to Ships Mod by General Vash/Rumble16; Thank you for letting me include this must-have mod!
0.51: Some small performance tweaks. Certain L and XL combat ships radar increased 25%.
Missile lifetime tweaked. B-Wing loses a bit of mass.
0.60: Added support for 0.66 and fixed some bugs. Rebalanced mass for ~80 ships.
0.61: Further rebalanced mass for 51 ships.
0.62: N1 Starfighter gains 3% mass. R-41 gains 8% mass.
0.63: Added support for 0.7.
0.64: Most small ships gain 4x stronger reverse thrusters.
0.65: All ships now have 4x stronger reverse thrusters for 0.7 changes.
0.66: Halved reverse thrust for larger ships. 
0.67. Gozanti, BFF, GS80 reverse thrust doubled.
0.68: Syntax fixes.
0.69. Imperial Thrusters syntax fix.
0.70: Added support for laat missile. Fixed light concussion missile. Rebalanced missile ranges and speeds.
Slight nerf to some fighter boost durations where they can reach 10km/s+
0.71: Overall turret damage is now doubled. Added support for a couple station weapons that were missed.
Halved shield-piercing damage from Mandalorian Mass Driver from vanilla values.
0.72: Fixed cluster missile speed. Further tweaked missile ranges and speeds.
0.73: Added support for Katana Dreadnaught.
0.74: Increased wait value for order.dock.xml while carrier is moving and updated base order.dock script made by General Vash.
0.75: Fixed damage for bullet_turret_m_mtbdualven_blue_macro.
0.76: Added support for 0.72.
0.77: Improved docking speed when player is nearby.
0.78: Added support for Dreadnaughts and Battlecruisers mod hosted on SWI Discord. Fixed shield regeneration rate for Kondosii battleship.
Some missiles get higher top speed.
0.79: Fixed Procursator and Secutor mass.
0.80: Added back Vortex resources, removed its white background for a more appealing look.
Removed green fog effect in Dathomir. Removed unnecessary folders and files. Fixed some syntax.
0.81: Removed green fog effects for several systems.
0.82: Boost duration reduced on L and XL ships. Escape pod support added.
Small weapons/turret projectile velocities increased 20%. Fixed KX5 turret damage.
0.83: Syntax fixes. More small turrets get a projectile velocity buff.
0.84: Small weapons/small turrets get a 2x velocity buff, 2x projectile lifetime nerf.
Eclipse main weapon range fixed. Fixed OCx Ion weapon range.
0.85: XX2 and XV7 turret get a 20% velocity buff. Victory II gets a radar range nerf.
Distress beacon support added.
0.86: Small and Medium ships get a shield regeneration buff.
0.87: Small hardpoints and small turrets get a 25% range buff. H9 series gets a velocity nerf.
XX2, XV7, QF4, and H9 get a 20% range buff. Medium prow hardpoints get a 30% range buff. Large prow hardpoints get a 40% range buff.
0.88: Small weapons lose 20% velocity, but gain 25% lifetime.
0.89: Buffed OPD/QD Laser Cannons. Fixed syntax.
0.90.0: Fixed H9 Single/Quad range. QF4 gets a small range buff.
L and XL ships get a 20% boost duration buff. Fixed KX5, KX7, and KX10 range.
Nerfed Large Flak turret velocity.
0.90.1: Removed fog in Darkknell.
0.90.2: S Zr-41 regen rate fixed.
0.90.3: Fog removed in all 60 systems that contain gas. Fixed a system that was missing resources.
0.90.4: Fixed Vondarc fog.
0.90.5: Small and medium ships lose half their added mass.
0.90.6: Tweaked draw distances so XL ship pop-in is less apparent.
0.90.7: Buffed Titan top speed. Nerfed Bellator and Annihilator top speed.
0.90.8: Syntax fix.
0.90.9: Fixed AI docking script syntax for 6.20.
0.91.0: Tweaked AI docking script for resupply. 
0.91.1: Added support for SWI 0.73 and Servator.
0.91.2: Fixed XV9 Heavy Turbolaser damage.
0.91.3: Added Resurgent support.
0.91.4: Added support for Reaper's Ship Pack. Thanks, Reaperxvii!
0.91.5: Slightly improved scrap tugs' top speed when towing.
0.91.6: Slightly increased draw distance for XXL ships as a temporary bandaid until next Dreadnaught update.
Added support for Compellor and Impellor XXL ships available on SWI Discord.
0.91.7: Revert quad jumper's tug parameters for OOS stability.
0.91.8: Added support for Reaper's Dreadnaught sub mod.
0.91.9: Mandator gets a small speed buff. Harrower II, Impellor, and Compellor shield regen fixed.
0.92.0: Added support for Grey Bellator and Provocator class ships.
0.92.1: Added support for Gage-class transport available on the X4SW discord.
0.92.2: Fixed slow docking behavior for small ships when player is IS.
0.92.3: Tweaked docking maxspeed to prevent medium ships getting stuck.
0.92.4: Increased small ship draw distance.
0.92.5: Added 0.8 support. Updated for 7.10. Ship boost strength now correlates to boost duration. Cleaned up parameters.xml syntax.
0.92.6: Added support for 'Heroes for SWI' by Aurelinoctis. Tugs can now tow wrecks ~5x faster than before.
S/M Ship reverse top speed 10x higher. S/M Strafe top speed 5x higher. Asteroid draw distance back to default.
XXL ships get a small speed nerf. Lucrehulk Battleship gets a small speed buff. Fixed Miy'til top speed and mass.
Nerfed reverse thrust power down to 2x from 4x. Fixed Scarab class and Silencer top speed and mass.

0.92.7: Revert reverse thrust back to vanilla.
0.92.8: Added support for version 0.1 of 'Heroes for SWI'.
0.92.9: Added support for 0.81 SWI and 0.21 for Heroes of SWI. Fixed Fulgor mass. Battle Dragon loses a bit of mass.
0.93.0: ISD-1, ISD-2, Kandosii, Allegiance, and Titan gain top speed. Annihilator loses top speed and gains mass.
Republic Secutor and Harbor gains mass. 3rd party ships get fixed reverse top speed. Space suits get a 2x faster speed boost.
Doubled damage for ReaperXVII's dreadnaughts. Procursator gains 12% mass. MC75 gets a small speed boost. Valor loses mass.
Grey Bellator gains mass and loses speed. Nova weapons get a range buff. Nova loses top speed. Immobilizer gets a small speed boost.
0.93.1: R-41, YT-1300M, Dynamic-class, Lucrehulk, Imperial Gozanti Transport, BFF, Dornean, Defender Corvette, Probe Droid, Delta-7B, Ebon Hawk, Vulture, B22/S, Firespray, TIE Fighter, TIE MG, TIE Vanguard, TIE Brute, Tri-Droid, Eta-2, E-Wing, Hyena, and GR75 a small speed boost.
TIE Phantom, Quad Jumper, CR-70M, Customs Corvette, M12, Victor, GS-80, Supremacy, TIE Interceptor RG, Gozanti civilian miner, Stathas, CSS, C-ROC, Gozanti Transport, YT-1300, and TIE Striker lose a bit of top speed. Miy'til gains a bit of mass. Charubah, V-wing, and V-19, and T70 lose mass. Settie speed fixed.
0.93.2: Fang, Vigil, Nebulon, Mon Calamari Trader, Acclamator Trader, Class VI, Hardcell transport, Neutron Star, Pelta trader, and Valor transporter lose a bit of speed. Customs class, CR70, and CR90 get another small speed buff. TH1, Dreadnaught, Valor Escort Carrier, and Valor light destroyer get a small speed buff. Large mining ships and Interceptor gain mass. Lancer pursuit loses mass. Raider II and III gain mass and lose speed.
0.93.3: Small and medium ships get 1.5x stronger reverse thrust.
0.93.4: Tiny speed mass changes for small medium trade ships around 1-2%. YUV beam laser damage and range nerfed. Fixed engine boost syntax on No Boost version.
0.93.5: Probe droid loses a small amount of speed and gains some mass. Laser tower HP nerfed. Anomaly push-back strength weaker for no boost compatibility.
Mandalorian N1 loses speed and loses mass. Updated for latest versions of 'Heroes of SWI' and K-SHIN's Impellor and Compellor.
0.93.6: SL-1 PD Turrets get a small range buff. Small L/XL/XXL combat ship mass/speed tweaks.  B-Wing gains speed and loses mass. Various interceptors lose mass and gain speed. Updated for latest version of DABC. Added support for 'SWI Nathans Katanas' on Nexusmods. Thanks for letting me support this mod.
0.93.7: Increased L ship draw distance and tweaked XL LOD parameters for DABC compatibility. Numerous fighters, interceptors, gunships, and small trade ships lose mass with some gaining top speed. Engine boost for several small fighters reduced.
0.93.8: Small and medium thrusters get 2x stronger strafe thrust for less drift.
0.93.9: Updated for version 1.5 of Reaper's Ship Pack.
0.94.0: Updated for SWI 0.82. Light Cruisers get a speed buff and lose mass. Medium transport ships lose about 3.5% speed.
0.94.1: Updated for version 1.0 of Heroes of SWI.
0.94.2: Updated for Beta #3 for DABC 0.82.
0.94.3: Nerfed engine boost duration slightly and fixed boost duration on several ships. Updated for version 1.11 of Heroes of SWI.
0.94.4: Mandalorian chaingun gains 20% overall range and a small damage buff; but loses some velocity and does less shield piercing damage. Updated for DABC 0.82 BETA #4.
0.94.5: Buffed repair laser repair rate. Buffed L and XL/XXL strafe thruster strength. Fixed a typo with bullet_turret_m_quadlaserlancer_green_macro.
Added support for space suit lasers and repair laser. Cleaned up useless syntax picked up on debug log.
0.94.6: XXL LR turrets get a range nerf. Xenon ships get speed fixes.
0.94.7: Updated for 'Heroes of SWI' release 10.15.24.
0.94.8: Updated for 'Heroes of SWI' release 11.05.24.
0.94.9: Fixed syntax error for Diamond Cruiser. Updated for DABC v4.96 - RELEASE CANDIDATE #2
0.95.0: Updated for 'Heroes of SWI' release 12.16.24
0.95.1: Updated for 'Reaper's Ship Pack (SWI)' release 1.70
0.95.2: Fixed syntax errors for 4 ships.
0.95.3: Updated for DABC v4.99
0.95.4: Updated for 'Heroes of SWI' version 3 and 'Reaper's Ship Pack' 1.81.
0.95.5: Updated for 7.50.

How to install:

drag dangerousinterworlds folder into extensions. Does not require new save. Can be safely removed at any time.

Requires X4 Star Wars Interworlds 0.6+ and up. Thanks to Mik and the rest of the X4 Star Wars modding team for letting me release this!

Feel free to join the SWI discord if you need support/requests; there is a Dangerous Interworlds thread in #modding-and-patches channel.

For a similar gameplay experience for vanilla X4, check out X - Dangerous: