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About this mod

Teladi Roc Superfreighter

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This mods adds the Roc Superfreighter to the Teladi Shipyard. 

The Teladi will also use the Ship and buy it from Ministry in the role as Energy trader, Ship construction parts tader and equipment trader.

Ministry will not use it.

Known issues: Dockingposition is wrong. It will dock anyway. Cant be bothered with waypoints for now. Its a pain. And this Ship was pain enough for now.
Some glow textures dont fit at the back of the ship. barely noticeable. will probably be fixed when i figured the balancing out. im not exactly sure about cargospace and speed/sluggishness. gimme feedback on that plx

No VRO support as of now. Will add sometime soon.
If one of you makes it compatible yourself, kindly provide the files so i dont have to do that. 

thanks to the egosoft discord. great place. would join again.
special thanks to Manoeuvring with Difficulty and Shuulo for helping me make the lizards use the ship and the ai say its name.