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About this mod

Bailing crew does not damage the ship. Capture it the way they left it - because you earned it!

Permissions and credits
You might want to check these...

Better piracy with repairing captured ships by epicproffi
Better Capture by Gryzli100

Notice about future updates to this mod!
First of all: thanks for all the downloads and nice feedback you have given me over the years.

Your feedback certainly helped foster my bad conscience for not always keeping my mods up-to-date as quickly as I would've wanted. Sometimes it's been days after Egosoft pushed an update - sometimes weeks... months even, maybe?

Anyways. The reason for me being slow was that originally I just began writing mods only for myself. Then I shared them with you guys - especially the ones fixing the main story in the first months after the release of X4 - but sharing quickly changed the way I was working on my mods from "doing whatever I liked, just for fun, just for me" into "putting in extra work to make different versions or settings" and so on.

Next thing I noticed - I was working on my mods even tho I'm not even playing X4 myself. Modding turned into tedium. No like. Want cookie.

So here's the deal: with the release of X4 Version 5 and the DLC Tides of Avarice I picked up X4 again and started a new game. It took me about 10 hours into the game before I missed my old mods and just like that "the spark" re-ignited and I re-installed and updated the mods I missed most.
...and I decided to share my update.

I also decided to only update/upload when I myself am actively playing X4 - and I will no longer maintain mods and/or branches that I don't personally use.

I'll leave the old versions up and if you like the vanilla one for example: please feel free to download the old versions, compare them, download the new version and replicate the other branch to your own desire. These mods are but simple text files and anyone with half a brain should be capable to tweak them to their liking. Who knows - maybe for one of you that's the the kick that opens the door to modding. In that case please feel free to use my mods and improve upon my work. Give some credit if you like and please let me know about it in the comments - maybe I switch to your mod too or point to it for ppl that want more regular updates.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ да нет, но может

Thanks for understanding and have fun with Tides of Avarice and True Capture! =)


The crew got out last minute and neither had time to sabotage the ship nor the wit! Why? Cause they know you'd kill them all for it! They're in that tiny escape pod, after all. So please, keep the stuff aboard. You earned it =)

This mod will remove
  • the scripted/additional damage to the ship's hull
  • the destruction of weaponry, turrets and equipment
  • the destruction of cargo
when you capture a small ship in a fight and the crew bails out of the situation.

When you send in a marine to capture an abandoned vessel for you (using context menu "Claim"), the marine will repair the ship for you ("earned-it" version), or the marine will just not cause any destruction (vanilla version).

Die Mannschaft verlässt in letzter Minute panisch das Schiff und hat weder die Zeit zur Sabotage, noch den Mut! Warum? Weil sie genau wissen, dass wir sie dafür aus ihrer winzigen Rettungskapsel ballern würden! Also bitte, behalt den Kram an Board - du hast ihn dir verdient =)

Diese Modifikation entfernt
  • die scriptbasierte/weitere Beschädigung der Schiffshülle
  • die Zerstörung der Bewaffnung und Geschütztürme, sowie Ausrüstung und Software
  • die Zerstörung der Fracht
wenn die Besatzung flieht und das Schiff besitzerlos zurücklässt.

Beim Senden eines Marinesoldaten zu einem verlassenen Schiff (mittels "Beanspruchen" im Kontextmenü), wird dieser das beanspruchte Schiff für den Spieler reparieren ("earned-it" version). In der Vanilla-Version dieses Mods wird nur die weitere Beschädigung durch den Marinesoldaten entfernt - eine Reparatur findet nicht automatisch statt.


Whee, being mentioned in someone else's media feels great!
Thanks to OMG Marc for including True Capture in his video X4 Foundations | Piracy Mods You NEED to be a Better Space Pirate! Cool 8)


Since this mod changes a script that does not contain unique identifiers for the modified parts, any change made through X4 patches might affect the compatibility. Please check back after updates if there's a recent change log below. If not the mod may work just fine - please leave a comment if it doesn't.

No worries if it's not working and there's no new mod version after an X4 update. True Capture doesn't create any new cues and can be removed at any time, then reinstalled/updated once I get around to do it. It's so tiny I'm almost embarrassed about how much attention it received ;-)

Change Log

Mod Version 14 NEW!
Checked the mod - should still work with X4 version 5.10
If it doesn't please let me know in the comments.

Compatibility update for version 5.00

Mod Version 13
Compatibility update for version 4.10... enjoy! =)

Mod Version 12
Compatibility update to work with v4.00 (Hotfix 3). Huge thanks to biggreenthugs who's always much faster than me with providing updates and fixes - check the comment section and give the guy all your TLC... and creditssss.

Mod Version 11
Reintroduces the new calculation for max bailing crew count. Version 11 raises the max number of people bailing based on the current crew size (useful if you use increased crew-size mods) from max 3 to "current crew * factor of damage to hull", but capped to half of the remaining crew (if 10 or more remain) and only if the result is more than the vanilla 3. Hull percentage is used as inversely proportional factor. Crew starts to bail at 75% hull (vanilla setting), so the range of $numcrewbailing is 25% to 50% with a min of 3 if not capped by the vanilla "high morale pilot" rule. Below 10 crew members left it's capped to 3.

Keep in mind that this only applies to S and M ships. Capital ships need boarding and use a different script for bail chance calculations.

Mod Version 10
Disabled the changed calculation for max bailing crew count, which was at the wrong place and didn't really work.

Mod Version 9
I've been monitoring compatibility of v8 during the last beta and after the release of X4 Version 3 and the Split Vendetta DLC. Since I never found any mod-breaking changes, there haven't been any updates for quite a while. Tho I should have updated the download file description to reflect the fact that it should be v3-compatible.

Anyhow! Some people in the comment section seem to experience undisclosed issues, so I went ahead and changed the only thing that I could "imagine" to maybe cause something weird. Only the non-vanilla got that update tho, because this change doesn't apply to the vanilla variant.

So far I've been using mod version 8 without any issues and since today I experience the same with mod version 9. Hope it works for you guys too. Since I'm not perfect I might miss something - if you think you can help, please do. If you experience issues or claim the mod "doesn't work", please share some insight about what it is that "doesn't work" - otherwise I get the impression your claim is solely based on the fact that the file description reads an older target version :p

Mod Version 8
Now raises the max number of people bailing based on the current crew size (useful if you use increased crew-size mods) from a max of 3 to a max of a third of the remaining crew - if that's more - but may drop even lower to 2. hull percentage is used as inversely proportional factor, plus a high piloting skill (not morale) may reduce the max to 10% of current crew (5 star pilots), because the crew has confidence in their pilot.

In short: massive crew count + shitty pilot = massive amount of crew members taking a hike!
+ Effect wears off the fewer crew members remain.

I did it because I'm using mods that seriously raise the crew count on some ships, making them virtually uncapturable if only 3 people bail at a time. If you don't like it, just delete the lines 20, 21 and 22 from vxTrueCapture\md\Notifications.xml - or use the vanilla version, which is still available, too.

Yes, versions 6 and 7 of this mod are missing because I did not upload them due to balancing issues and unfinished state. I was working on a more sophisticated bailing routine that takes the skill and morale of each crew member into account, in order to create a more natural feel and selection of bailing crew members - plus a reason to maybe scan and look at the crew complement before the attack. No promise that I'll ever finish that tho - currently I'm too bored to play due to lacking story/content/goals, so I wait for the first DLC to come out. When I bought the Collectors Edition it said there should be some extensions at some point ;D

Mod Version 5
I wanted to include some new features, but since this mod became something like the "close to vanilla minimalistic alternative" to FBL, I didn't dare to include them without giving you the option to stick to this vanilla-ish version of the mod. Hence now you can find two main files for this mod:

True Capture (because you earned it)
This one contains the new stuff:
  • Marines will repair the ship after they claim it and
  • the penalty for using a larger ship than your victim is gone from the bail chance calculation. It will be your skill to keep your ship's condition up versus theirs low that counts - not the thickness of both ship's hull "if they were in mint condition", which is some weird vanilla quirk that I don't approve of.

True Capture - Vanilla
This one is basically the old version with a new label. It won't do you any favors but remove the additional damage caused by everybody.

Mod Version 4

I'm very happy to announce:
Now you can just send in marines to capture abandoned vessels and they won't cause damage to the ship either - just as if you did it yourselves! Finally some capable workforce! Your gain? No need to fly the found ship to the next station yourself, because the marine will take helm and you don't need to search for a new pilot. Cool, eh? =)

Actually I'm considering if I should set the hull to max when using marines, since if I were to do it myself, I would always repair the ship before getting in. Hmm, what do you think?

I will add another file version for users of FBL (Fix Bail Logic) that will extend it while not being redundant, since FBL doesn't do this yet (current FBL version 1.1.1).

Mod Version 3
Fixed the archive's structure. Now you just need to extract it to the \X4 Foundations\extensions folder to install.

Mod Version 2

Released 2018-12-11
Code improvement - being more thorough.

Find me as [color=#f1c232]/root on forum.egosoft.com