About this mod
This is a Single Soldier mod with a hint of role playing flavor designed around the X-Files series by Fox Television. Here, you play as Fox William Mulder, an FBI agent with plenty of experience holding off alien threats.
- Permissions and credits

Welcome to The X-Files v 1.1 for XCOM: ENEMY WITHIN! This mod has been updated to be installed over the famous Long War mod, version 14, and is fully compatibility with it. As long as you have the Long War mod, you don’t have to worry about any further modding. This mod requires no additional resources; the only things that have been changed are the .ini files. The installation guide is as the bottom of this page.
This is a Single Soldier mod with a hint of role playing flavor designed around the X-Files series by Fox Television. Here, you play as Fox William Mulder (or Dana Katherine Scully/Mulder, who may have chosen to take his last name for RP immersion purposes - a programming shortcoming prevents giving a female soldier the correct last name Scully), an FBI agent with plenty of experience holding off alien threats. In a response to the alien invasion, the Government has created the XCOM project from the ashes of the X-Files team and with some help from their previous experiences with The Bureau. Because of your impressive record in staving off the alien threat, the Government has decided to check you, Agent Mulder, out of the mental hospital you’ve been stuck in for the past several years and equip you to stop the alien invasion by any means necessary.
Motivated by the guilt of having lost a loved one to the aliens, you accept the Government’s proposal. Whereas before you fought the aliens with paperwork and your analytical mind, now you’ll be making the transformation from FBI agent to Field Commander. Carefully study the battlefield for as long as it takes to bring any mission to a successful conclusion. This is the XCom Project, and the government looks forward to what you have to offer, not only for them, but for the entire world.
There are no second chances - if you fail, then the aliens will win. You alone have to handle every ground mission the aliens can throw at you: Base defense, VIP extractions, UFO landings, everything. A few other civilians, scientists and engineers, have been contacted and are on their way to the base to provide some research and logistics support, but they won’t be able to help you out in the fights themselves. Thankfully, before the aliens shut down the Air Force, a few rookie pilots managed to escape with their planes; they will provide your UFO countermeasure, but are too valuable to be risked with anything else. With what help your small team can provide, you will become the strongest soldier on the planet, or you will die trying.
God help you, Commander Mulder. God help us all.

- In order to keep the missions XCOM will be facing secret from the Psionic enemy, we’ve been forced to keep your squad size, and the barracks, limited to a few civilian personnel and you. You’re in this fight alone, Commander Mulder.
- We’ve managed to upgrade some stealth technology from XCOM’s old project, The Bureau, to keep you invisible almost at all times. But be warned - when you open fire, the new system will be disrupted, and the aliens will take every chance they can to eliminate you while you’re vulnerable.
- Given your past experiences, we’re confident that you’ll be able to Run & Gun from the moment you first start the fight.
- After your initial fight, we’ll be able to equip you with a special neural implant that will help you focus fire on any exposed enemies, provided you kill them. While this may help you stay In The Zone during the fight, you won’t get any other chances should you miss (Close Combat Specialist, Close Encounters, Light ‘Em Up, Double Tap, Snap Shot, Smoke Grenade, etc. aren’t going to be in your tech tree).
- While it’s perfectly understandable to want to promote yourself within the Officer Training School guidelines, the costs of accessing such training might better be spent on other projects; psionic power is worth more to most than a higher military ranking, but we leave such decisions up to your discretion, Commander Mulder. (The Officer Training School has been left alone, but the bonuses are less useful without a full squad)
- As you spend more time in the field, both your body and mind will become more honed and able to deal with the aliens. To supplement this, as you improve, the science and engineering teams will help you to increase your Defense, Dodge, and Damage. Unfortunately, resources are limited, and you’ll need to decide which you value the most as you train. (Mulder’s perk tree has been custom-designed, and is below)
- We’ve equipped the base you’ll be fighting from with a specialized launch platform, capable of launching satellites into space. We recommend you launch them all at once, as the rising cost of materials to launch would make piecemeal coverage… ill advised. (The cost of purchasing satellites increases exponentially as you buy them, via Long War’s version 9a Beta - if you don’t buy in bulk, the latter satellites cost tens of thousands of credits and require tens of thousands of engineers - you’ve been warned)
- We understand that you will be stressed after constant alien attack. Our solution is to provide you with a series of medical supplements to keep your fatigue down. Unfortunately, our projections indicate that any additional fatigue you may expect after genetically modifying yourself, or after you discover and train in the alien’s psionic abilities, will remain difficult to overcome. (Initial fatigue reduced, upgrade fatigue remains the same)
- While you may attempt to research Super Heavy Infantry Vehicles or Mechanized Exoskeleton Cybersuits, there is no additional room in the barracks for the SHIV and there are no other soldiers to back you up with the MEC suit. Moreover, the MEC suit is not compatible with your stealth technology, and it is unlikely you will succeed should you choose to undergo augmentation in that way.
- Given the Aliens’ spearhead strikes against many militaries in the world, our choices for soldiers have been… limited, at best. As such, keep your own safety a priority, Commander Mulder. Should you fall prey to alien mental control, or should you die in battle, then the XCOM project will fail.

- You’ll have a bit more accuracy than the average soldier, reflecting your past experiences in the field.
- The sectoid slaves have been treated slightly better than they were in the 50s, and their health is slightly higher than normal as a result.

While the class system is based on the resources from the base game, the skill tree has been reworked significantly to make it possible to face the additional challenge of Long War with a single soldier. When the game starts, Mulder will be randomly generated from XCOM’s normal roster of rookies, before they’re automatically removed from play. Mulder starts the game with Run & Gun. You do not get to choose what Class Mulder becomes, but after the first rank, you will always get In the Zone, which should help in taking on the high volume of aliens Mulder must face alone.
The weapons that Mulder can use are influenced by the class s/he starts out as. If Mulder is a sniper, for example, then you’re not going to be able to use a heavy machine gun. If s/he’s a rocketeer, s/he gets rockets, if s/he’s a medic, s/he gets a med kit, etc. The class Mulder starts will should have a heavy influence on how you can play the game, and should also increase the mod’s replay value.
Using Long War’s system with three available choices of perks per level, Mulder can choose to become a unit based on tanking, avoiding shots, dealing damage, or any combination of the three, based on the core perk tree below:

*Please note that Bioelectric skin is intended as an alternative to the Battle Scanner ability. If you think that you’ll have enough vision or other countermeasures against seekers, or have enough battlefield presence without them, then by all means, skip it. Please also note, as was bolded, Bioelectric Skin adds six hours of fatigue after every mission.

There are additional perks listed below that will be added to your available choices should you use the second wave option Training Roulette.

This mod was designed to be possible to be beaten even on impossible difficulty, with all the detrimental Second Wave options applied.

There are a lot of people who are going to read on and see some of the things you’re up against and what you’re playing with, and may think that Agent Mulder is either over- or under-powered compared to the base game’s squad-based tactics. On one hand, you get infinite stealth, provided you don’t take a shot on a given turn. On the other hand, if Mulder is killed, you get an instant game-over. An experienced XCOM player might think, “Hey, all I have to do is use In The Zone, shoot everything, go invis and win at everything forever!”
This is not the case, especially in the later stages of the mod.
Should you get unlucky, missing even a single critical against a group of 8 aliens means that everything left alive gets to shoot at you, free of charge. While there are a number of perks to help prevent Mulder’s death, playing the way you normally do is a good way to get your only agent in the field killed.
To compensate for only having one soldier, it’s recommended that you utilize your infinite stealth as much as possible to prevent the aliens from ever having a chance to retaliate. Unfortunately, in some cases, especially against the stronger enemies like Sectopods, this may not always be possible. To win in later missions, you’ll need to think creatively about splitting up your stronger opponents apart and making use of your limited resources to achieve victory. The intent of the X-Files mod is to give you a chance to play the game in a new way, and hopefully to put your mind to the test.

A couple tips for some of the missions and general strategy:
- In the very early game, Mulder is designed to be strong enough to compensate for the later missions. Yes, that means that In The Zone is going to net you a lot of early kills, but don’t get too used to it - at about the midway point in the war, you’ll start facing much stronger opponents, and will need to change tactics to compensate.
- Grenades and Psi-attacks can ruin you, and a successful mind control is an instant game-over. Be wary of both.
- If you have a chance, consider picking up Regenerative BioField and Adaptive Bone Marrow. Together, these two bonuses can help you outlast a lot of what the aliens have to throw at you.
- On some of the huge ships, it may be an option to simply run the length of the ship, taking only easy shots against weak aliens to activate all the alien pods. After noting what enemies you’re up against, you can then work your way through the rest of the enemies, who should be weakened and separated looking for you.
- From the time you start the game until the final outcome, you need to keep in mind that you’re going to have to fight two Sectopods and a number of Ethereals all at once in the last mission, and you’re going to have to do it alone. Seeing as the final mission is the one that matters most, don’t work yourself into a corner getting only perks that are useless in that fight.

I’d like to express my sincerest admiration for the amazing work done by the XCOM Long War team. These professionals have done great work in the field of XCOM Mod, as can be seen by the hundreds of thousands of fans of what they’ve done. They’ve taken the original game to a new evel, and brought in countless innovations that go above and beyond what most are even capable of. Thank you, guys! I look forward to every release you put out in the future!
I’d like to thank my friend, a streamer who goes by Artem Orlov, who, with his endless stream of Long War, version Beta 9a on the hardest difficulty and with all the detrimental Second Wave options turned on, inspired me to make this mod. After watching his stream, I was motivated to play XCOM and to create The X-FILES mod for all who enjoy playing the game solo.
Special thanks to Canas Dark for his initiative in helping to create a professional translation of The X-Files mod description page into English. With his help, the mod has become more accessible to any who might want to enjoy it!
Finally, I’d like to thank anyone and everyone who takes the time to enjoy The X-FILES mod, and look forward to any and all reviews, impressions or improvement ideas.
Thank you!

- First off, you must have XCOM: EW Long War 14 Beta installed to play this mod.
- Furthermore, I recommend backing up your previous .ini files before placing the ones for this mod, should you decide to uninstall
- them later, which is a very easy process!
- First, save the .zip file anywhere on your computer, and then unzip it. Common unzipping programs include WinZip and 7Zip, though others may work as well. The three files inside are DefaultGameCore.ini, DefaultNameList.ini, and of course, The_X-files_1_1_Readme.txt.
- Provided you haven’t somehow moved your XCOM location, on windows you should expect to find the folder these need to go into in your
- C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config folder. There, please save a copy of the DefaultGameCore.ini and DefaultNameList.ini files as a backup in another location, so you can uninstall later if you so choose.
- Overwrite the files in your Config folder with the new ones for The X-FILES.
- To activate The X-Files mod, you must start a new game.
- When you’re done playing the X-Files, or if you’d like to play a saved game of Long War, simply re-install the backed-up files of the name list and game core. Yes, that means you can keep all your old save files and go back and forth if you just keep swapping out the .ini files! It’s that easy!

First and foremost, the big problem: Council missions provide additional soldiers that are automatically added to the roster, regardless of your barracks cap. They may be taken on missions, which breaks the mod. As of right now, this can not be fixed with the .ini files alone; the .upk files would need to be changed to fix this. As such, you will need to remove the soldiers from your squad to prevent them from breaking the mod’s immersion.
There has been a report of some possible problem with the stealth, though we’ll need more information and/or a programmer to work on it.