About this mod
re-texture pack for Long War Beta15+ inspired by nTex
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Long War Beta15+ (By Johnny Lump and the gang)
Recomended other mods
Urban Camo for Armor and helmets LW B15
Weapon and Facial Camouflage
Facial Hair -With Face Paint Face Tattoo and Mask v2.1
(by Lestroyer)
LWreTex is a retexture pack for Long War Beta15+ inspired by the nTex mod (thank you Neonin for permission to make this by the way)
Reason for making this is when i played vanilla Enemy Within i used nTex and when i started playing Long war i really missed this mod, but did not have the skill / knowhow on how to update the mod.. but after my other mods i thought i would give it a go and try and update this to being LW compatible.
A lot of the original textures from nTex version 3 has been updated to be usable in Long War Beta15+, and i made the missing ones myself, or found something i could use on free clip art sites.. i am no where near as skilled as Neonin in this, but i like the results i came up with, and i hope you guys like it too.. if not.. don't use it ;)
Texmod and Steam guide
Included in Version 1.3e
Talent Tree Icons 100%
Unit Class Icons100%
MEC Class Icons 100% (Subject for change again later)
MOST of the generic skills (made what i had access to)
All country flags (basically i added my other flag replacement mod to this one.. yay laziness ;) )
Tac screen ammo Tier 1 (Ballistic) 100%
Tac screen ammo Tier 2 (Laser) 100%
Tac screen ammo Tier 3 (Gauss)100%
Tac screen ammo Tier 4 (Pulse Laser)100%
(Since laser and pulse laser share the same ammo icon you need to load a "Pulse ammo.tpf" for pulse lasers to show.. Just load it after the "LWreTex" file)
Tac screen ammo Tier 5 (Plasma) 100%
Tac screen ammo Shiv100%
Tac screen ammo MEC100%
Psi Icons100%
MEC skills and abils 100%
Gene mod icons 100%
Default icons 100%
Shiv skills and abils 100%
OTS (Imported from nTex and redid 2 myself)
Officer perk icons100%
Added new icon to Recruit new Soldier
Fixed a gfx bug in the flag area where it would screw up your icon for "Advanced Surgery" in the foundry page.. Thank you to
This should be the final version.. i THINK I've gotten everything.. at least i have not found anything missing.. let me know if you see something and ill try and fix it :)