About this mod
Sort soldier lists, have button "Make Items Available" anytime, inject meld to cut healing time, clear perks and respec a soldier, Scout Sense, Shadow Step, New Sequential Overwatch, unique scout abilities and much more. This is ongoing project so add to tracking list :) PatcherGUI NOT required and all-patform compatibility ensured.
- Requirements
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I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me"
[Psalms 131:1]
Welcome to Mini Mods factory for XCOM (mainly Long War, but not only probably). This project will grow with time. Check updates every couple of weeks. If you have questions or ideas reach me on Discord (szmind #7068) Shrek's domain
Gamepad support included.

Squadron Unleashed 2 (vast air-game overhaul, multiple ships vs multiple UFOs, pilot careers, new weapon and more)
Pod Reveal Mods Collection (limit the number of "suprise" encounters, gain a scamper move on pod's reveal)
Colored Aliens (and Exalt) (customizable re-coloring of aliens/exalt/zombie skins)
Dedicated SHIV-only slot (SHIV has its own bay in Skyranger, no more wasting of soldier slots)
Gender Manager (easy ratio-slider and optional, configurable stat-modifers)
LIST OF MINI MODS (selectible)
- Soldiers' Respec Training
- Meld-Boost Healing
- Strip Gear Anytime
- Officer's Iron Will
- Realistic Fuel Consumption
- Disorient Exalt On Radar Hack
- Manufacture Exalt Loot
- Ammo Counter
- Distance PopUp
- Salvage Mod
- Map Image on Squad Select
- Abduction Map Manager
- Sequential Overwatch 2.0
- Scout Sense
- Shadow Step
- Perks Give Item Charges (LW only)
- Smoke Blocks OW Fire (option in Seq OW 2.0)
- Show Turn Counter
- Continental Fellow Helper
- Stim And Go (combat stims cost no action point)
- Spiderman (using a grapple costs no action point)
- Improved Enemy Icons (OW/suppression/leader indicators)
- Dead To Wounded (killed soldiers return to base as gravely wounded)
- Game Speed mod (reliable, not reset by animations)
- Show Squad Selection Progress ("squad select" UI helper)
- Show Alien Resources
- Show Enemy's Ammo Consumption
- Limit Chain Panic
- Kills' Counter
- Show Perks On Soldier Lists
- Flashbang Blinds
- Custom Sorting of Soldier Lists
- Compact HP Display (added in 2.32)
- Backpack "Threedom" (feature)
- Display Weapon Fragments when building items (EW only)
- Alien Sight Rings
- Sure Hit Chance
- No Tile Scanning
- Defense Display
- Commanders Choice
Added Spanish translation to Mods Menu, credit to davoker for the hard work (cause I know what it takes)
All the numbers and many of the features presented below can be customized via DefaultMiniMods.ini
Note to rookies: wherever I refer to "DGC.ini" I mean the file DefaultGameCore.ini from ...\XComGame\XEW\Config directory.
Backpack "Threedom"
No more waiting for scrolling after you had unlocked (and equipped) 3+ items. Handles up to 4 small items' display (if 4 is even possible in your game)
(Important: the mod DOES NOT INCREASE the number of available slots. It only handles the display IF a unit has equipped 3 or 4 items.

Custom Sorting of Soldier Lists
Adds widgets to all soldiers lists which allow custom sorting of the lists. Please, be informed that it's not only the UI list that is sorted but also the roster in barracks. However, the barracks are re-ordered each hour of gameplay so do not expect the custom sorting to be permanent. Default order can be easily restored by choosing it as the desired sorting order. Reversing the order is done by simply clicking the sorting button again without choosing a different order.
The "strange" language on the screenshot is my native Polish, do not report it as a bug :)

Sequential Overwatch 2.0
No need to uninstall old hex version of Sequential Overwatch
Sequential reaction fire is just one of the options in this improved version of popular "Sequential Overwatch" mod. It is a default setting but it can be turned OFF while keeping benefits of other interesting options. The new optional mechanics (which can be turned on/off even during a mission) include:
- shots taken in order of distance to target
- no OW shots allowed through smoke
- covering fire trigerring on normal overwatch (LW Rebalance style)
- Sentinel and Rapid Reaction units can take 2 covering fire shots with Covering Fire perk
- faster Rapid Reaction (next RR shot vs a moving target can trigger faster)
Smoke Blocks OW Fire (option in Seq OW 2.0)
Reaction fire will not trigger if there is smoke between the shooter and the target. Neither shooter nor target needs to be actually IN smoke. It is enough if line of the shot goes through smoke and the OW shot will not trigger.
Stim And Go
(Find this mod under "Free Actions" in Mods Menu) Using Combat Stims does not cost an action point.
(Find this mod under "Free Actions" in Mods Menu) Using a grapple hook does not cost an action point. You can additionally set a cooldown (recommended) and/or number of charges for the hook.
Scout Sense
This mod adds a new ability - the scout sense. The ability is granted by a certain perk (defined in options). By default it is a starting perk for Scout class (Long War) or Sniper (base Enemy Within) but you can change it to any perk. The ability allows to hear nearby enemies and point to their location. It works only when no enemies are visible to the squad and it does not detect hidden seekers. The skill improves with soldier's level - starting with just a directional cue and on higher levels adding information about the distance and the type of the enemy.

Shadow Step
A mod similar to its XCOM 2 version. Allows to define a perk (or list of perks) which grants "immunity" to reaction fire. It means that units with this perk (or perks) do not trigger reaction OW shots (neither normal nor covering fire). However, they still trigger suppression shots - there's no "immunity" to suppression. It is somewhat a double-edged sword - the unit is safe from reaction fire but it also cannot clear OW for its teammates. You can also define a list of "Shadow Buster" perks. Units with Shadow Buster perks CAN FIRE REACTION SHOTS at units with Shadow Step ability.

Perks Give Item Charges (reliable in LW, to be tested in EW)
This is more of a modding tool than a ready-to-use mod. It adds free charges of certain items (consumables) to certain perks. You pick a perk, an item and the number of charges of the item. Multiple combinations can be defined and 1 perk can grant multiple items. Default settings provide a few examples: Ready For Anything grants 1 free smoke, frag grenade, and flash bang; Smoke And Mirrors gives 1 free flashbang; Field Medic gives 1 more free medikit. You cannot give a soldier manufacturable items but you can add charges of such items IF you have put one of them into soldier's inventory. To let you keep track of items granted by perks a graphical information has been added.
With UI Mod Manager installed you can add/delete more combinations in-game, without editing .ini file manually. NOTE: the graphical mini-inventory shows ONLY the items granted by this mod, neither built-in Long War bonus items nor items granted by other mods

Continental Fellow Helper
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades Provides information about games completed after starting on each of continents. It helps to complete the achievement of "Continental Fellow" (for winning the game after starting from each of the continents). The info is displayed as a report in Research Archives. Load any savegame within strategy layer, go to research archives and scroll down the list - at the very end of the list you will find the report.

Soldier's Respec Training
You can now clear perks of a soldier who has enough mission count. It will make the soldier unavailable for several days or weeks. The procedure does not clear gene mods or psi perks, or medal-derived perks or MEC's innate perks. It only clears "standard" perks and does not clear 1st level perk (so that you cannot change soldier's class). The code ensures that you gain no stats during such a respec. Therefore any stat bonuses coming from new perks will be ignored (yes, you can focus on stat-giving perks, then after 10 or 20 or 30 missions clear them and pick other perks while keeping stats - a veteran deserves some boost, right?; especially after staying alive with only stat-giving perks). If you had a valid pending promotion while clicking Clear Perks (level earned but the perk not yet assigned) the respec procedure should end accordingly (on last by one level) allowing you to correctly level up with that last perk choice. You must respec the soldier in one shot - partial changes (like assigning a few perks and leaving the rest for later) will be discarded. In such case no cost will be applied and no changes made to soldier's build. I have disabled navigation buttons during perks' re-picking to prevent breaking the procedure but you can still use Esc on keyboard (TESTED) and probably Esc-equivalent gamepad button (NOT TESTED). Oh - while respecing you can safely click Clear Perks button as many times as you like - no cost will be applied until you finish and only the cost of ONE click will be applied.By default the cost is 14 days of fatigue and 10 missions interval between respecing. You can add meld cost for the procedure (though I personally see no realism-wise reason behind it) and optionally lock the feature behind a certain OTS upgrade (one of the existing).
NOT TESTED WITH XCOM EW - feel free to try it out and provide feedback, costs nothing but installing effort (status of soldier will be probably wounded or empty cause there is no "Fatigued" status in EW but other than that everything should work).

Meld-Boost Healing
Always wanted to make use of your meld to speed up healing? Now you can. Go to barracks and view a wounded (or fatigued) soldier. You should be seeing appropriate button and some info about the costs at top of screen. Annoyed with the info after a time? Disable it via DefaultMiniMods.ini.You can lock the feature behind a tech of your choice and redefine meld cost or healing time (both the cut and minimum threshold). By default I have set the cost at 5 meld for 10 days' cut but wound time cannot be cut this way to below 7 days. I locked the option behind eTech_Meld which is Xenogenetics in LW or Meld Recombination in EW.
NOT TESTED WITH XCOM EW - feel free to try it out and provide feedback, costs nothing but installing effort (no issues expected with this one).
Strip Gear Anytime
This is simply "Make Items Available" button added to base soldier's view in barracks. You can now release all the non-standard gear anytime - not just during squad select. That way you will always know how much of any item is in your storage - at the cost of time required to re-equip stuff.
NOT TESTED WITH XCOM EW - feel free to try it out and provide feedback, costs nothing but installing effort (no issues expected with this one).

Officer's Iron Will
Simply extends range of innate officer's ability which is "granting the officer's Will stat to nearby soldiers" (only this one!). It is now 18 tiles (it used to be 8 tiles) - customizable.
Realistic Fuel Consumption (2 in 1?)
Makes flying units not stay in the air forever with empty fuel tank. With realistic fuel consumption 1 fuel is consumed after every turn in the air. The consumption takes place at the begining of player's turn. If unit's fuel drops to 0 the unit will automatically land when player switches to it.
Optionally - the active unit's fuel will be announced whenever the unit is selected, so not only after a move (this way you know fuel reserves BEFORE moving). You can choose one or both of the above features in mod's options.
If you play LW Rebalance you should rather set the multiplier to 1.0 or 0.0 - cause it already accounts for increased consumption.
Disorient Exalt On Radar Hack
With this mod turned on - when your covert agent hacks a radar all exalt units will get Disoriented instead of having guns disabled. It is like if all Exalt have been hit by flash bang grenade. But you can customize both aim penalty and duration of the effect (check DefaultMiniMods.ini as usual). You can also set a chance other than 100% for applying the effect (the check is done on every unit separately, so some may pass the test and not get the penalty - beware).
Manufacture Exalt Loot (for Long War)
With this mod turned on - after defeating Exalt's Base you will be able to manufacture the new gadgets: Neuroregulator, Cognitive Enhancer and Illuminator Gunsight. The descriptions will still tell that "we are unable to reproduce this technology" or sth like that but you can ignore it and go to Workshop :) Manufacturing of the above was always possible after DGC.ini edit (by setting iTime / iEng to 0+ values). But the items would be available right from start of new game. This mod makes it available only after defeating Exalt's Base. Cost in cash and resources are taken from DGC.ini. If you also set iTime and iEng in DGC.ini - those values will be used. However you do not have to touch DGC at all - the mod will auto-set iTime=10 and iEng=70 (in-game, on the fly, you will not see any change in DGC after closing game). This translates to roughly 14 days of manufacturing time (with 50 engineers, or 10 with 70 enginners). As usual you can turn the mod on/off using corresponding bManufactureExaltLoot variable (DefaultMiniMods.ini).
Ammo counter
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades

Show Enemy Ammo Consumption
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades
No more need for paper and pencil or memorizing how many times an alien had shot during a firefight. This mini mod will count and show ammo spent by an alien. It only counts ammo spent while the player could see it - including suppression. If an alien is out of sight for more than 1 turn his counter is reset. This mod DOES NOT SHOW AMMO LEFT. It shows how much ammo an alien had spent - hence the display in negative numbers. You still need to learn and remember how much ammo each alien can have at max.

Kills' Counter
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades
Adds information about the number of kills scored by a soldier - during the current mission and in total.

Turn counter
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades

Distance Pop-Up
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades It shows up as soon as you target an enemy. Might be useful to determine if e.g. Close Encounters will trigger or to know how far you are when determining distance aim-malus/bonus.

Salvage Mod
This one has a bunch of options to set in .ini file. By default you will be offered to retrieve 50% more elerium and alloys (the amounts are disclosed to you as you can see in the picture). The price for each extra piece of elerium/alloys can be set in .ini but by default it is double the selling price on Grey Market (the mod will simply read it from DGC and multiply by 2). If you do not have enough money you can still accept the offer - in such case your cash balance will be negative after returning from mission. Oh - of course it is not realistic to have it on every mission (like terror or abduction). Types of missions are editable in .ini file but by default it is allowed on: ufo missions, alien base, exalt raid, exalt data recovery mission.

Map Image on Squad Select
No more guessing :) Aside from vague intel info you are now provided with the map image (the one that you get on the list of saved games). It will appear automatically whenever you enter Squad Select screen.

Abduction Map Organizer
This mod will let you set maximum abduction difficulty accepted on certain map. If you do not like swarming abductions on gas station or fast food or bar map - this will solve your problem. Just edit the MaxDifficulty setting for the map. By default the mod will stop Hard and Swarming abductions appear on smaller maps. The default settings were not set by me. It is the work of #Snackhound. Credits to him.
Thanks #Snackhound !!!
Dead To Wounded
Soldiers killed in action return as gravely wounded instead. However, at least one soldier must successfully return to base. Soldiers "left behind" will be still counted as dead.
Improved Enemy Icons
Makes alien head-icons provide more information - if this is enemy leader (larger icon), if the enemy is on overwatch, if the enemy is suppressing currently selected unit.

Game Speed mod
Adds shortcuts for easy game speed control (speed of in-game animations) for tactical missions. Use Ctrl + '+' and Ctrl + '-' to increase/decrease game speed on the fly. Set default speed and/or increment step in Mods Menu or DefaultMiniMods.ini. Other than in Long War this mod is 100% reliable. The speed is not reset by animations. If you like you can change speed on the fly, during an animation to watch it in slomo.
Show Squad Selection Progress
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades

Adds info about total squad size and number of selected soldiers. Useful if you happen to forget about recent squad size upgrades and end up loading too few soldiers.
Show Aliens Resources
When using in-game Mods Menu you can find this mod under Mini UI Upgrades

Expands Situtation Room info to show current progress of aliens' research, resources and threat of XCom. This can be perceived as spoiler or cheat. Use at will :)
Limit Chain Panic
Normally (in Long War) soldiers are subject to a panic test when they take damage, an ally is killed, critically wounded, mind controlled or panicks (it might not be obvious but normally each of these events imposes only one test per turn per soldier). However, this little mod allows for turning off some of these events so that they never trigger a panic test - thus limiting the risk of so called "chain panic" effect.
Show Perks on Soldier Lists
When you select a soldier on a soldiers' list a pop-up window displays the list of his perks (same as in barracks).

Flashbang Blinds
This mod makes all units with "Disoriented" status (applied by flash bang grenades or other way) have their sight radius limited - with all its consequences (range of fire, ability to see and targert enemies). You can define the limit in options.

Compact HP Display
The mod adds an alternatvie indicator of the unit's HP. The "pips" are replaced with a bar showing % of HP. and the actual number of HP is displayed in numerical way. The vertical dividors on the bar are at 25 /50 / 75% of the HP. It takes a while to get used to it but when enemies start having tons of HP it's easy to judge with a glance the number of HP without "counting" the rows of HP pips. You can easily toggle between normal and compact display using Ctrl+H shortcut.

Alien Sight Rings
You can toggle this mod with a shortcut Ctr+R. This is an imporved version of popular mod by SpazmoJones - shows rings around enemies to indicate their range of sight. With numerous enemies the original mod clutters the display, therefore by default this option is turned off in this version (configurable). When turned OFF (by default) the rings appear only when planning a move and only around the enemies whose range of sight does not reach the current cursor's position. It allows for planning the move to escape beyond the enemy's range of sight or not enter into it. IMPORTANT: the rings only indicate the RANGE of sight and do NOT indicate whether the enemy has actual line of sight to the cursor's position.
Sure Hit Chance
Makes all the shots with chance to hit above certain threshold to be a 100% shots. Eliminates frustration from missing a 80 or 90% shots. WARNING: works the same way for aliens. Does not affect reaction shots. The threshold for XCom can be set to a different value than for the Aliens.
No Tile Scanning
Disables the possibility to scan tiles (by moving the mouse around) for the hidden enemies (or unseen, behind a wall or corner). The occupied tiles are no longer "marked". However, if you try to move to a tile which is occupied by the unseen enemy the move will not happen, the unit will speak the "enemy spotted" cue and the tile will be marked as occupied. So actually it is possible to sort of detect the enemies but only "accidently".
Defense Display
Display the Defense stat for all units on the battlefield. This mod can be toggled on the fly using Ctrl+D keyboard shortcut.

Commander's Choice
Alternative (improved) version of the popular mod by Peasly Wellbott. Allows the player to choose the class of a soldier on the first level up. The mod comes with more intuitive controls and is free from the bug embedded in the original work (related to stat upgrades which used to come from the initial class, not the class picked by the Commander).
EW players - please, be informed, that the mod is not full compatible with SW options that randomize the stats. The random stats/bonuses cannot be reverted. Therefore if you decide to change the class of the soldier (you click the button) the stats of the soldier will be reset to standard rookie stats and then the random bonus from Hidden Potential will be re-applied according the selected class. It can exploited - I know, but I cannot help it.

What comes next?
- Make Danger Zone suppression not end when primary target dies - 0% ready
- Customizable damage / crit / aim modifiers for any weapon/item based on distance to target - 90% ready
- Customizable DR and Penetration - 0% ready
- hmm, why don't you drop your ideas in Posts' section :D or ping me on Discord (szmind #7068) Shrek's domain
#kdm2k6 - for tireless testing of gamepad support
#AzXeus - for introducing me into encoding with UDK
#UCross and #fjz for ideas and early tests
#datar0 for bug hunting and tests
#loriendal for Russian localization, pre-release tests and bug reporting.
#Snackhound - for help with tests and dirty work on MapOrganizer
#SvartirMaidenRuby - for Spanish localization
#davoker - for Spanish translation of Mods Menu and some of the latest mini mods
Have I mentioned #AzXeus for introducing me into UDK? Oh, right.
Check ReadMe. It is all about copying files and adding entry to .ini file. No PatcherGUI required.
You can enable/disable any of the mods in DefaultMiniMods.ini file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config)
IMPORTANT: If you wish to enable Mod Manager which accompanies MiniMods, make sure that when copying the files from \UI Mod Manager 1.5 folder you put the files in \XEW and NOT(!) in \XEW\xcomgame. Notice that inside \UI Mod Manager 1.5 there is already \xcomgame folder (and also \engine folder). You want these folders and their content to go into \XEW. Most of the files included in these folders will overwrite the just-installed files from Mini Mods, but these are the same files, all is fine.
Note on updating for users of previous versions
If you already have your own settings in DefaultMiniMods.ini and you do not want them overwritten by new DefaultMiniMods.ini - you must handle copying new entries on your own. It might be faster to simply save the Mods Menu settings in a custom Mod Profile (available from version 1.4 of UI Mod Manager). Then after updating Mini Mods load the settings from the profile - only the saved settings will be restored and the new options (mods) will still be there as installed.
1. Some players reported crashes when loading a tactical save or restarting a mission when using MiniModsTactical.
Solution: Inside the directory for EW version find XComMutator.u (inside EW version\CookedPCConsole\Mutators). Get that file and copy it over your original XComMutator.u delivered by LW team (it is inside CookedPCConsole directory of the game)
2. When starting the game you might get a pop-up message about "Ambiguous package name: Using 'C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\....\CookedPCConsole\MiniModsCollection.u', not 'C:\Program Files(x86)\....\CookedPCConsole\Mutators\MiniModsCollection.u". Read the message carefully paying attention to the paths. The message tells you that the game has found 2 files MiniModsCollection.u: one in CookedPCConsole folder and the other in its subfolder: \Mutators. You must delete one of them - most probably the one in CookedPCConsole. My mod package puts the file into \Mutators subfolder so this one is most recent. The other one (in CookedPCConsole) is probably from LW Rebalance or some other mod package that incoporated MiniMods. Cause otherwise I have no idea how it could have landed in CookedPCConsole.
3. If you experience a CTD just after updating to new version - retry before reporting a bug or reverting to the older version. One-time CTD after an update is normal.
4. In need of help - visit my Discord server (invitation at top of the page). I am quite often available. And there is #hot-fixes channel - you might find a beta fix to your bug there.