- Refine results Found 20 results. 273 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Better Ambient SFX - Changes station surrounding and bar sfx
Turns off those immense humming sounds, and replaces them with more decent sounds. You can also change the trance-music-loop of the bar.
- 6.8MB
- 291
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Better Ambient SFX - Changes station surrounding and bar sfx
Turns off those immense humming sounds, and replaces them with more decent sounds. You can also change the trance-music-loop of the bar.
Silence the police sirens. Tranquility.
Awesome Jumpdrive SFX replaces the vanilla jumpdrive activation and deactivation sounds of XL and L ships
- 2.4MB
- 110
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Awesome Jumpdrive SFX replaces the vanilla jumpdrive activation and deactivation sounds of XL and L ships
Plays announcements inside the stations.
Vacuum Bass _-103 new RadioClips for ships-_
This Mod adds 103 musicfiles to different kind of ships (masstraffic, small cargoships and some militaryships). Its like allmost everybody got his radio now on.
- 75.6MB
- 88
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Vacuum Bass _-103 new RadioClips for ships-_
This Mod adds 103 musicfiles to different kind of ships (masstraffic, small cargoships and some militaryships). Its like allmost everybody got his radio now on.
Simple tools to import a custom playlist into your game.
Removes all Music in Highways. XR 4.x compatible.Doesn't leave a footprint in your save.
This mod overhaul Xrebirth space sounds , lasers explosions etc to sound dark and claustrophobic and some what more realistic
- 515.0MB
- 59
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This mod overhaul Xrebirth space sounds , lasers explosions etc to sound dark and claustrophobic and some what more realistic
XBTF Automated Interaction System
Adds 'Please dock as soon as you get green position lights' when docking to station (from X-Beyond the Frontier).
- 817KB
- 49
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XBTF Automated Interaction System
Adds 'Please dock as soon as you get green position lights' when docking to station (from X-Beyond the Frontier).
A wise mechanic you met on your way through the spacebars said: If ya wanna get it goin with the older ladies around here, you need a spacecraft with a real outrageous engine sound!
- 409KB
- 45
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A wise mechanic you met on your way through the spacebars said: If ya wanna get it goin with the older ladies around here, you need a spacecraft with a real outrageous engine sound!
Silences only Ren's dialogue when requesting services from NPCs.
XRPD X-Rebirth Police Department
E-Corp got the job to setup the policesirens and scanners in a new way and in the entire univers.
- 7.8MB
- 37
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XRPD X-Rebirth Police Department
E-Corp got the job to setup the policesirens and scanners in a new way and in the entire univers.
Metal_BigBeat_sfx ---Allows free customization of all bar-vip-jukebox music in the game---
"Metal BigBeat sfx" is my first mod ever for X:Rebirth. This mod allows players to customize the music of ALL bars,vip rooms and jukeboxes in the game (Yep, that's right! The music of ALL bars,vip rooms and jukeboxes in ALL the systems and sectors!!!)
- 31.0MB
- 35
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Metal_BigBeat_sfx ---Allows free customization of all bar-vip-jukebox music in the game---
"Metal BigBeat sfx" is my first mod ever for X:Rebirth. This mod allows players to customize the music of ALL bars,vip rooms and jukeboxes in the game (Yep, that's right! The music of ALL bars,vip rooms and jukeboxes in ALL the systems and sectors!!!)
Don't show me your wares please
This has to manually be installed. It replaces the "show me your wares please, show me your license please and various other sounds..." <br />Place the folder directly into your x rebirth folder. <br />Inside of steam go to properites and add -prefersinglefiles to the command list or make a custom shortcut like so:
- 73KB
- 22
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Don't show me your wares please
This has to manually be installed. It replaces the "show me your wares please, show me your license please and various other sounds..." <br />Place the folder directly into your x rebirth folder. <br />Inside of steam go to properites and add -prefersinglefiles to the command list or make a custom shortcut like so:
Removes or modifies Yisha to make her less annoying. Several versions included.
This mod replaces the music in main menu.
Changes Main Theme to the Maelstrom Transient Sound Track.
The original theme before, Teladi outpost but instead the Full Version is used.
Mutes the skunks main engine loop and boost sound.